KmlReadOptions interface

Options that customize how KML files are read and parsed.




Specifies if polygon extrusion information should be captured in KML files. If set to true, and a polygon has extrusion data, a height property will be added to polygon features properties to indicate how much the polygon should be extruded vertically in meters. Default: true


Specifies if shapes visible tags should be used to set the visible property of it's equivalent GeoJSON object. Default: true


The maximum depth of network links in a KML file. Example: when set to 3; file1 links to file2 which links to file3 but won't open links in file3. Default: 3


The maximum number of network links that a single KML file can have. Default: 10

Inherited Properties


Specifies the maximum number of features to read from the data set. If not specified, will read all features.


Specifies if style information should be parsed from the XML file and included as properties of the features. Default: true


A URL to a proxy service that can have a URL to an external file appended it. This will be needed to access files that are hosted on non-CORs enabled endpoints.

Property Details


Specifies if polygon extrusion information should be captured in KML files. If set to true, and a polygon has extrusion data, a height property will be added to polygon features properties to indicate how much the polygon should be extruded vertically in meters. Default: true

extrudePolygons?: boolean

Property Value



Specifies if shapes visible tags should be used to set the visible property of it's equivalent GeoJSON object. Default: true

ignoreVisibility?: boolean

Property Value



The maximum depth of network links in a KML file. Example: when set to 3; file1 links to file2 which links to file3 but won't open links in file3. Default: 3

maxNetworkLinkDepth?: number

Property Value


The maximum number of network links that a single KML file can have. Default: 10

maxNetworkLinks?: number

Property Value


Inherited Property Details


Specifies the maximum number of features to read from the data set. If not specified, will read all features.

maxFeatures?: number

Property Value


Inherited From BaseSpatialDataReadOptions.maxFeatures


Specifies if style information should be parsed from the XML file and included as properties of the features. Default: true

parseStyles?: boolean

Property Value


Inherited From BaseSpatialXmlReadOptions.parseStyles


A URL to a proxy service that can have a URL to an external file appended it. This will be needed to access files that are hosted on non-CORs enabled endpoints.

proxyService?: string

Property Value


Inherited From BaseSpatialDataReadOptions.proxyService