Excel.AggregationFunction enum

Aggregation function for the DataPivotHierarchy.


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.8 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-filters-and-summaries.yaml

async function genericFunctionSwitch(functionType: Excel.AggregationFunction) {
    await Excel.run(async (context) => {
        const pivotTable = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().pivotTables.getItem("Farm Sales");
        await context.sync();

        pivotTable.dataHierarchies.items[0].summarizeBy = functionType;
        pivotTable.dataHierarchies.items[1].summarizeBy = functionType;
        await context.sync();


automatic = "Automatic"

Excel will automatically select the aggregation based on the data items.

average = "Average"

Aggregate using the average of the data, equivalent to the AVERAGE function.

count = "Count"

Aggregate using the count of items in the data, equivalent to the COUNTA function.

countNumbers = "CountNumbers"

Aggregate using the count of numbers in the data, equivalent to the COUNT function.

max = "Max"

Aggregate using the maximum value of the data, equivalent to the MAX function.

min = "Min"

Aggregate using the minimum value of the data, equivalent to the MIN function.

product = "Product"

Aggregate using the product of the data, equivalent to the PRODUCT function.

standardDeviation = "StandardDeviation"

Aggregate using the standard deviation of the data, equivalent to the STDEV function.

standardDeviationP = "StandardDeviationP"

Aggregate using the standard deviation of the data, equivalent to the STDEVP function.

sum = "Sum"

Aggregate using the sum of the data, equivalent to the SUM function.

unknown = "Unknown"

Aggregation function is unknown or unsupported.

variance = "Variance"

Aggregate using the variance of the data, equivalent to the VAR function.

varianceP = "VarianceP"

Aggregate using the variance of the data, equivalent to the VARP function.