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Excel.BuiltInSlicerStyle enum


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Represents a built-in slicer style.


[ API set: ExcelApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ]


dark1 = "Dark1"

"Accent 1" (blue in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

dark2 = "Dark2"

"Accent 2" (orange in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

dark3 = "Dark3"

"Accent 3" (gray in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

dark4 = "Dark4"

"Accent 4" (yellow in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

dark5 = "Dark5"

"Accent 5" (light blue in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

dark6 = "Dark6"

"Accent 6" (green in the default "Office" theme) with dark shading.

light1 = "Light1"

"Accent 1" (blue in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

light2 = "Light2"

"Accent 2" (orange in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

light3 = "Light3"

"Accent 3" (gray in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

light4 = "Light4"

"Accent 4" (yellow in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

light5 = "Light5"

"Accent 5" (light blue in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

light6 = "Light6"

"Accent 6" (green in the default "Office" theme) with light shading.

other1 = "Other1"

Dark gray with light shading.

other2 = "Other2"

Medium blue with light shading.