Excel.ConditionalColorScaleCriterion interface
Represents a color scale criterion which contains a type, value, and a color.
color | HTML color code representation of the color scale color (e.g., #FF0000 represents Red). |
formula | A number, a formula, or |
type | What the criterion conditional formula should be based on. |
HTML color code representation of the color scale color (e.g., #FF0000 represents Red).
color?: string;
Property Value
A number, a formula, or null
(if type
is lowestValue
formula?: string;
Property Value
What the criterion conditional formula should be based on.
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatColorCriterionType | "Invalid" | "LowestValue" | "HighestValue" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile";
Property Value
Excel.ConditionalFormatColorCriterionType | "Invalid" | "LowestValue" | "HighestValue" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile"
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