Excel.DataChangeType enum


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.7 ]


cellDeleted = "CellDeleted"

CellDeleted indicates that the data change event is triggered by deleting cells.

cellInserted = "CellInserted"

CellInserted indicates that the data change event is triggered by inserting new cells.

columnDeleted = "ColumnDeleted"

ColumnDeleted indicates that the data change event is triggered by deleting columns.

columnInserted = "ColumnInserted"

ColumnInserted indicates that the data change event is triggered by inserting new columns.

rangeEdited = "RangeEdited"

RangeEdited indicates that the data change event is triggered by a range being edited.

rowDeleted = "RowDeleted"

RowDeleted indicates that the data change event is triggered by deleting rows.

rowInserted = "RowInserted"

RowInserted indicates that the data change event is triggered by inserting new rows.