Excel.DataPivotHierarchy class
Represents the Excel DataPivotHierarchy.
- Extends
context | The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process. |
field | Returns the PivotFields associated with the DataPivotHierarchy. |
id | ID of the DataPivotHierarchy. |
name | Name of the DataPivotHierarchy. |
number |
Number format of the DataPivotHierarchy. |
position | Position of the DataPivotHierarchy. |
show |
Specifies if the data should be shown as a specific summary calculation. |
summarize |
Specifies if all items of the DataPivotHierarchy are shown. |
load(options) | Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call |
load(property |
Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call |
load(property |
Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call |
set(properties, options) | Sets multiple properties of an object at the same time. You can pass either a plain object with the appropriate properties, or another API object of the same type. |
set(properties) | Sets multiple properties on the object at the same time, based on an existing loaded object. |
set |
Reset the DataPivotHierarchy back to its default values. |
toJSON() | Overrides the JavaScript |
The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.
context: RequestContext;
Property Value
Returns the PivotFields associated with the DataPivotHierarchy.
readonly field: Excel.PivotField;
Property Value
ID of the DataPivotHierarchy.
readonly id: string;
Property Value
Name of the DataPivotHierarchy.
name: string;
Property Value
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-create-and-modify.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const dataHierarchies = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().pivotTables.getItem("Farm Sales").dataHierarchies
await context.sync();
dataHierarchies.items[0].name = "Farm Sales";
dataHierarchies.items[1].name = "Wholesale";
await context.sync();
Number format of the DataPivotHierarchy.
numberFormat: string;
Property Value
Position of the DataPivotHierarchy.
position: number;
Property Value
Specifies if the data should be shown as a specific summary calculation.
showAs: Excel.ShowAsRule;
Property Value
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-calculations.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const pivotTable = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().pivotTables.getItem("Farm Sales");
const farmDataHierarchy: Excel.DataPivotHierarchy = pivotTable.dataHierarchies.getItem("Sum of Crates Sold at Farm");
const wholesaleDataHierarchy: Excel.DataPivotHierarchy = pivotTable.dataHierarchies.getItem("Sum of Crates Sold Wholesale");
await context.sync();
// Show the crates of each fruit type sold at the farm as a percentage of the column's total.
let farmShowAs = farmDataHierarchy.showAs;
farmShowAs.calculation = Excel.ShowAsCalculation.percentOfColumnTotal;
farmShowAs.baseField = pivotTable.rowHierarchies.getItem("Type").fields.getItem("Type");
farmDataHierarchy.showAs = farmShowAs;
let wholesaleShowAs = wholesaleDataHierarchy.showAs;
wholesaleShowAs.calculation = Excel.ShowAsCalculation.percentOfColumnTotal;
wholesaleShowAs.baseField = pivotTable.rowHierarchies.getItem("Type").fields.getItem("Type");
wholesaleDataHierarchy.showAs = wholesaleShowAs;
await context.sync();
Specifies if all items of the DataPivotHierarchy are shown.
summarizeBy: Excel.AggregationFunction | "Unknown" | "Automatic" | "Sum" | "Count" | "Average" | "Max" | "Min" | "Product" | "CountNumbers" | "StandardDeviation" | "StandardDeviationP" | "Variance" | "VarianceP";
Property Value
Excel.AggregationFunction | "Unknown" | "Automatic" | "Sum" | "Count" | "Average" | "Max" | "Min" | "Product" | "CountNumbers" | "StandardDeviation" | "StandardDeviationP" | "Variance" | "VarianceP"
Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync()
before reading the properties.
load(options?: Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyLoadOptions): Excel.DataPivotHierarchy;
Provides options for which properties of the object to load.
Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync()
before reading the properties.
load(propertyNames?: string | string[]): Excel.DataPivotHierarchy;
- propertyNames
string | string[]
A comma-delimited string or an array of strings that specify the properties to load.
Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync()
before reading the properties.
load(propertyNamesAndPaths?: {
select?: string;
expand?: string;
}): Excel.DataPivotHierarchy;
- propertyNamesAndPaths
{ select?: string; expand?: string; }
is a comma-delimited string that specifies the properties to load, and propertyNamesAndPaths.expand
is a comma-delimited string that specifies the navigation properties to load.
Sets multiple properties of an object at the same time. You can pass either a plain object with the appropriate properties, or another API object of the same type.
set(properties: Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyUpdateData, options?: OfficeExtension.UpdateOptions): void;
A JavaScript object with properties that are structured isomorphically to the properties of the object on which the method is called.
- options
- OfficeExtension.UpdateOptions
Provides an option to suppress errors if the properties object tries to set any read-only properties.
Sets multiple properties on the object at the same time, based on an existing loaded object.
set(properties: Excel.DataPivotHierarchy): void;
- properties
- Excel.DataPivotHierarchy
Reset the DataPivotHierarchy back to its default values.
setToDefault(): void;
Overrides the JavaScript toJSON()
method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify()
. (JSON.stringify
, in turn, calls the toJSON
method of the object that's passed to it.) Whereas the original Excel.DataPivotHierarchy
object is an API object, the toJSON
method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyData
) that contains shallow copies of any loaded child properties from the original object.
toJSON(): Excel.Interfaces.DataPivotHierarchyData;
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