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Excel.DocumentTaskChangeAction enum


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Represents the type of change recorded in the task change record.


[ API set: ExcelApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ]


assign = "assign"

Represents a user being assigned to a task.

create = "create"

Represents the creation of a new task.

remove = "remove"

Represents the deletion of a task.

restore = "restore"

Represents the restoration of a task.

setPercentComplete = "setPercentComplete"

Represents an update to a task's percentage complete.

setPriority = "setPriority"

Represents an update to a task's priority.

setSchedule = "setSchedule"

Represents an update to a task's startDateTime or dueDateTime.

setTitle = "setTitle"

Represents a change in the title of a task.

unassign = "unassign"

Represents a user being unassigned from a task.

unassignAll = "unassignAll"

Represents all users being unassigned from a task.

undo = "undo"

Represents a previous task action being undone.

unknown = "unknown"

Represents an unknown change type. This value will be returned when the version of Excel running doesn't understand the type of the change record that is in the loaded file.