Excel.GeometricShapeType enum

Specifies the shape type for a GeometricShape object.


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.9 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/44-shape/shape-create-and-delete.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Shapes");
    const shape = sheet.shapes.addGeometricShape(Excel.GeometricShapeType.hexagon);
    shape.left = 5;
    shape.top = 5;
    shape.height = 175;
    shape.width = 200;
    await context.sync();


accentBorderCallout1 = "AccentBorderCallout1"
accentBorderCallout2 = "AccentBorderCallout2"
accentBorderCallout3 = "AccentBorderCallout3"
accentCallout1 = "AccentCallout1"
accentCallout2 = "AccentCallout2"
accentCallout3 = "AccentCallout3"
actionButtonBackPrevious = "ActionButtonBackPrevious"
actionButtonBeginning = "ActionButtonBeginning"
actionButtonBlank = "ActionButtonBlank"
actionButtonDocument = "ActionButtonDocument"
actionButtonEnd = "ActionButtonEnd"
actionButtonForwardNext = "ActionButtonForwardNext"
actionButtonHelp = "ActionButtonHelp"
actionButtonHome = "ActionButtonHome"
actionButtonInformation = "ActionButtonInformation"
actionButtonMovie = "ActionButtonMovie"
actionButtonReturn = "ActionButtonReturn"
actionButtonSound = "ActionButtonSound"
arc = "Arc"
bentArrow = "BentArrow"
bentUpArrow = "BentUpArrow"
bevel = "Bevel"
blockArc = "BlockArc"
borderCallout1 = "BorderCallout1"
borderCallout2 = "BorderCallout2"
borderCallout3 = "BorderCallout3"
bracePair = "BracePair"
bracketPair = "BracketPair"
callout1 = "Callout1"
callout2 = "Callout2"
callout3 = "Callout3"
can = "Can"
chartPlus = "ChartPlus"
chartStar = "ChartStar"
chartX = "ChartX"
chevron = "Chevron"
chord = "Chord"
circularArrow = "CircularArrow"
cloud = "Cloud"
cloudCallout = "CloudCallout"
corner = "Corner"
cornerTabs = "CornerTabs"
cube = "Cube"
curvedDownArrow = "CurvedDownArrow"
curvedLeftArrow = "CurvedLeftArrow"
curvedRightArrow = "CurvedRightArrow"
curvedUpArrow = "CurvedUpArrow"
decagon = "Decagon"
diagonalStripe = "DiagonalStripe"
diamond = "Diamond"
dodecagon = "Dodecagon"
donut = "Donut"
doubleWave = "DoubleWave"
downArrow = "DownArrow"
downArrowCallout = "DownArrowCallout"
ellipse = "Ellipse"
ellipseRibbon = "EllipseRibbon"
ellipseRibbon2 = "EllipseRibbon2"
flowChartAlternateProcess = "FlowChartAlternateProcess"
flowChartCollate = "FlowChartCollate"
flowChartConnector = "FlowChartConnector"
flowChartDecision = "FlowChartDecision"
flowChartDelay = "FlowChartDelay"
flowChartDisplay = "FlowChartDisplay"
flowChartDocument = "FlowChartDocument"
flowChartExtract = "FlowChartExtract"
flowChartInputOutput = "FlowChartInputOutput"
flowChartInternalStorage = "FlowChartInternalStorage"
flowChartMagneticDisk = "FlowChartMagneticDisk"
flowChartMagneticDrum = "FlowChartMagneticDrum"
flowChartMagneticTape = "FlowChartMagneticTape"
flowChartManualInput = "FlowChartManualInput"
flowChartManualOperation = "FlowChartManualOperation"
flowChartMerge = "FlowChartMerge"
flowChartMultidocument = "FlowChartMultidocument"
flowChartOfflineStorage = "FlowChartOfflineStorage"
flowChartOffpageConnector = "FlowChartOffpageConnector"
flowChartOnlineStorage = "FlowChartOnlineStorage"
flowChartOr = "FlowChartOr"
flowChartPredefinedProcess = "FlowChartPredefinedProcess"
flowChartPreparation = "FlowChartPreparation"
flowChartProcess = "FlowChartProcess"
flowChartPunchedCard = "FlowChartPunchedCard"
flowChartPunchedTape = "FlowChartPunchedTape"
flowChartSort = "FlowChartSort"
flowChartSummingJunction = "FlowChartSummingJunction"
flowChartTerminator = "FlowChartTerminator"
foldedCorner = "FoldedCorner"
frame = "Frame"
funnel = "Funnel"
gear6 = "Gear6"
gear9 = "Gear9"
halfFrame = "HalfFrame"
heart = "Heart"
heptagon = "Heptagon"
hexagon = "Hexagon"
homePlate = "HomePlate"
horizontalScroll = "HorizontalScroll"
irregularSeal1 = "IrregularSeal1"
irregularSeal2 = "IrregularSeal2"
leftArrow = "LeftArrow"
leftArrowCallout = "LeftArrowCallout"
leftBrace = "LeftBrace"
leftBracket = "LeftBracket"
leftCircularArrow = "LeftCircularArrow"
leftRightArrow = "LeftRightArrow"
leftRightArrowCallout = "LeftRightArrowCallout"
leftRightCircularArrow = "LeftRightCircularArrow"
leftRightRibbon = "LeftRightRibbon"
leftRightUpArrow = "LeftRightUpArrow"
leftUpArrow = "LeftUpArrow"
lightningBolt = "LightningBolt"
lineInverse = "LineInverse"
mathDivide = "MathDivide"
mathEqual = "MathEqual"
mathMinus = "MathMinus"
mathMultiply = "MathMultiply"
mathNotEqual = "MathNotEqual"
mathPlus = "MathPlus"
moon = "Moon"
nonIsoscelesTrapezoid = "NonIsoscelesTrapezoid"
noSmoking = "NoSmoking"
notchedRightArrow = "NotchedRightArrow"
octagon = "Octagon"
parallelogram = "Parallelogram"
pentagon = "Pentagon"
pie = "Pie"
pieWedge = "PieWedge"
plaque = "Plaque"
plaqueTabs = "PlaqueTabs"
plus = "Plus"
quadArrow = "QuadArrow"
quadArrowCallout = "QuadArrowCallout"
rectangle = "Rectangle"
ribbon = "Ribbon"
ribbon2 = "Ribbon2"
rightArrow = "RightArrow"
rightArrowCallout = "RightArrowCallout"
rightBrace = "RightBrace"
rightBracket = "RightBracket"
rightTriangle = "RightTriangle"
round1Rectangle = "Round1Rectangle"
round2DiagonalRectangle = "Round2DiagonalRectangle"
round2SameRectangle = "Round2SameRectangle"
roundRectangle = "RoundRectangle"
smileyFace = "SmileyFace"
snip1Rectangle = "Snip1Rectangle"
snip2DiagonalRectangle = "Snip2DiagonalRectangle"
snip2SameRectangle = "Snip2SameRectangle"
snipRoundRectangle = "SnipRoundRectangle"
squareTabs = "SquareTabs"
star10 = "Star10"
star12 = "Star12"
star16 = "Star16"
star24 = "Star24"
star32 = "Star32"
star4 = "Star4"
star5 = "Star5"
star6 = "Star6"
star7 = "Star7"
star8 = "Star8"
stripedRightArrow = "StripedRightArrow"
sun = "Sun"
swooshArrow = "SwooshArrow"
teardrop = "Teardrop"
trapezoid = "Trapezoid"
triangle = "Triangle"
upArrow = "UpArrow"
upArrowCallout = "UpArrowCallout"
upDownArrow = "UpDownArrow"
upDownArrowCallout = "UpDownArrowCallout"
uturnArrow = "UturnArrow"
verticalScroll = "VerticalScroll"
wave = "Wave"
wedgeEllipseCallout = "WedgeEllipseCallout"
wedgeRectCallout = "WedgeRectCallout"
wedgeRRectCallout = "WedgeRRectCallout"