Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewCollectionLoadOptions interface

Represents the collection of sheet views in the worksheet.


[ API set: ExcelApiOnline 1.1 ]



Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).


For EACH ITEM in the collection: Gets or sets the name of the sheet view. The temporary sheet view name is the empty string (""). Naming the view by using the name property causes the sheet view to be saved.

Property Details


Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).

$all?: boolean;

Property Value



For EACH ITEM in the collection: Gets or sets the name of the sheet view. The temporary sheet view name is the empty string (""). Naming the view by using the name property causes the sheet view to be saved.

name?: boolean;

Property Value



[ API set: ExcelApiOnline 1.1 ]