Sets element

The meaning of this element depends on where it's used in the manifest.

In the base manifest

When used in the base manifest (that is, the parent <Requirements> element is a direct child of OfficeApp), the <Sets> element specifies the minimum subset of the Office JavaScript API requirements (requirement sets) that your Office Add-in needs in order to be activated by Office.

Add-in type: Content, Task pane, Mail

As a grandchild of a VersionOverrides element

Specifies the minimum set of Office JavaScript API requirements (requirement sets) that must be supported by the Office version and platform (such as Windows, Mac, web, and iOS or iPad) in order for the VersionOverrides to take effect.

Add-in type: Task pane, Mail

Valid only in these VersionOverrides schemas:

Associated with these requirement sets:


<Sets DefaultMinVersion="n .n ">

Contained in

Can contain


Attribute Type Required Description
DefaultMinVersion string No Specifies the default MinVersion attribute value for all child Set elements. The default value is "1.1".


For more information about requirement sets, see Office versions and requirement sets.

For more information about the MinVersion attribute of the <Set> element and the DefaultMinVersion attribute of the <Sets> element, see Specify which Office versions and platforms can host your add-in.