microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk package
ActivityReceivedEventArgs |
Defines contents of received message/events. |
AudioConfig |
Represents audio input configuration used for specifying what type of input to use (microphone, file, stream). |
AudioInputStream |
Represents audio input stream used for custom audio input configurations. |
AudioOutputStream |
Represents audio output stream used for custom audio output configurations. |
AudioStreamFormat |
Represents audio stream format used for custom audio input configurations. |
AutoDetectSourceLanguageConfig |
Language auto detect configuration. |
AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult |
Output format |
AvatarConfig |
Defines the talking avatar configuration. |
AvatarEventArgs |
Defines content for talking avatar events. |
AvatarSynthesizer |
Defines the avatar synthesizer. |
AvatarVideoFormat |
Defines the avatar output video format. |
AvatarWebRTCConnectionResult |
Defines the avatar WebRTC connection result. |
BaseAudioPlayer |
Base audio player class TODO: Plays only PCM for now. |
BotFrameworkConfig |
Class that defines configurations for the dialog service connector object for using a Bot Framework backend. |
CancellationDetails |
Contains detailed information about why a result was canceled. |
CancellationDetailsBase |
Contains detailed information about why a result was canceled. |
Connection |
Connection is a proxy class for managing connection to the speech service of the specified Recognizer. By default, a Recognizer autonomously manages connection to service when needed. The Connection class provides additional methods for users to explicitly open or close a connection and to subscribe to connection status changes. The use of Connection is optional, and mainly for scenarios where fine tuning of application behavior based on connection status is needed. Users can optionally call Open() to manually set up a connection in advance before starting recognition on the Recognizer associated with this Connection. If the Recognizer needs to connect or disconnect to service, it will setup or shutdown the connection independently. In this case the Connection will be notified by change of connection status via Connected/Disconnected events. Added in version 1.2.1. |
ConnectionEventArgs |
Defines payload for connection events like Connected/Disconnected. Added in version 1.2.0 |
ConnectionMessage |
ConnectionMessage represents implementation specific messages sent to and received from the speech service. These messages are provided for debugging purposes and should not be used for production use cases with the Azure Cognitive Services Speech Service. Messages sent to and received from the Speech Service are subject to change without notice. This includes message contents, headers, payloads, ordering, etc. Added in version 1.11.0. |
ConnectionMessageEventArgs | |
Conversation | |
ConversationExpirationEventArgs |
Defines content for session events like SessionStarted/Stopped, SoundStarted/Stopped. |
ConversationParticipantsChangedEventArgs |
Defines content for session events like SessionStarted/Stopped, SoundStarted/Stopped. |
ConversationTranscriber |
Performs speech recognition with speaker separation from microphone, file, or other audio input streams, and gets transcribed text as result. |
ConversationTranscriptionCanceledEventArgs |
Defines content of a RecognitionErrorEvent. |
ConversationTranscriptionEventArgs |
Defines contents of conversation transcribed/transcribing event. |
ConversationTranscriptionResult |
Defines result of conversation transcription. |
ConversationTranslationCanceledEventArgs | |
ConversationTranslationEventArgs |
Defines payload for session events like Speech Start/End Detected |
ConversationTranslationResult |
Translation text result. |
ConversationTranslator |
Join, leave or connect to a conversation. |
Coordinate |
Defines a coordinate in 2D space. |
CustomCommandsConfig |
Class that defines configurations for the dialog service connector object for using a CustomCommands backend. |
Diagnostics |
Defines diagnostics API for managing console output Added in version 1.21.0 |
DialogServiceConfig |
Class that defines base configurations for dialog service connector |
DialogServiceConnector |
Dialog Service Connector |
IntentRecognitionCanceledEventArgs |
Define payload of intent recognition canceled result events. |
IntentRecognitionEventArgs |
Intent recognition result event arguments. |
IntentRecognitionResult |
Intent recognition result. |
IntentRecognizer |
Intent recognizer. |
KeywordRecognitionModel |
Represents a keyword recognition model for recognizing when the user says a keyword to initiate further speech recognition. |
LanguageUnderstandingModel |
Language understanding model |
Meeting | |
MeetingTranscriber | |
MeetingTranscriptionCanceledEventArgs |
Defines content of a MeetingTranscriptionCanceledEvent. |
MeetingTranscriptionEventArgs |
Defines contents of meeting transcribed/transcribing event. |
NoMatchDetails |
Contains detailed information for NoMatch recognition results. |
Participant |
Represents a participant in a conversation. Added in version 1.4.0 |
PhraseListGrammar |
Allows additions of new phrases to improve speech recognition. Phrases added to the recognizer are effective at the start of the next recognition, or the next time the SpeechSDK must reconnect to the speech service. |
PronunciationAssessmentConfig |
Pronunciation assessment configuration. |
PronunciationAssessmentResult |
Pronunciation assessment results. |
PropertyCollection |
Represents collection of properties and their values. |
PullAudioInputStream |
Represents audio input stream used for custom audio input configurations. |
PullAudioInputStreamCallback |
An abstract base class that defines callback methods (read() and close()) for custom audio input streams). |
PullAudioOutputStream |
Represents memory backed push audio output stream used for custom audio output configurations. |
PushAudioInputStream |
Represents memory backed push audio input stream used for custom audio input configurations. |
PushAudioOutputStream |
Represents audio output stream used for custom audio output configurations. |
PushAudioOutputStreamCallback |
An abstract base class that defines callback methods (write() and close()) for custom audio output streams). |
RecognitionEventArgs |
Defines payload for session events like Speech Start/End Detected |
RecognitionResult |
Defines result of speech recognition. |
Recognizer |
Defines the base class Recognizer which mainly contains common event handlers. |
ServiceEventArgs |
Defines payload for any Service message event Added in version 1.9.0 |
SessionEventArgs |
Defines content for session events like SessionStarted/Stopped, SoundStarted/Stopped. |
SourceLanguageConfig |
Source Language configuration. |
SpeakerAudioDestination |
Represents the speaker playback audio destination, which only works in browser. Note: the SDK will try to use Media Source Extensions to play audio. Mp3 format has better supports on Microsoft Edge, Chrome and Safari (desktop), so, it's better to specify mp3 format for playback. |
SpeakerIdentificationModel |
Defines SpeakerIdentificationModel class for Speaker Recognition Model contains a set of profiles against which to identify speaker(s) |
SpeakerRecognitionCancellationDetails | |
SpeakerRecognitionResult |
Output format |
SpeakerRecognizer |
Defines SpeakerRecognizer class for Speaker Recognition Handles operations from user for Voice Profile operations (e.g. createProfile, deleteProfile) |
SpeakerVerificationModel |
Defines SpeakerVerificationModel class for Speaker Recognition Model contains a profile against which to verify a speaker |
SpeechConfig |
Speech configuration. |
SpeechConfigImpl | |
SpeechRecognitionCanceledEventArgs | |
SpeechRecognitionEventArgs |
Defines contents of speech recognizing/recognized event. |
SpeechRecognitionResult |
Defines result of speech recognition. |
SpeechRecognizer |
Performs speech recognition from microphone, file, or other audio input streams, and gets transcribed text as result. |
SpeechSynthesisBookmarkEventArgs |
Defines contents of speech synthesis bookmark event. |
SpeechSynthesisEventArgs |
Defines contents of speech synthesis events. |
SpeechSynthesisResult |
Defines result of speech synthesis. |
SpeechSynthesisVisemeEventArgs |
Defines contents of speech synthesis viseme event. |
SpeechSynthesisWordBoundaryEventArgs |
Defines contents of speech synthesis word boundary event. |
SpeechSynthesizer |
Defines the class SpeechSynthesizer for text to speech. Updated in version 1.16.0 |
SpeechTranslationConfig |
Speech translation configuration. |
SynthesisResult |
Base class for synthesis results |
SynthesisVoicesResult |
Defines result of speech synthesis. |
Synthesizer | |
TranslationRecognitionCanceledEventArgs |
Define payload of speech recognition canceled result events. |
TranslationRecognitionEventArgs |
Translation text result event arguments. |
TranslationRecognitionResult |
Translation text result. |
TranslationRecognizer |
Translation recognizer |
TranslationSynthesisEventArgs |
Translation Synthesis event arguments |
TranslationSynthesisResult |
Defines translation synthesis result, i.e. the voice output of the translated text in the target language. |
Translations |
Represents collection of parameters and their values. |
TurnStatusReceivedEventArgs |
Defines contents of received message/events. |
User | |
VoiceInfo |
Information about Speech Synthesis voice Added in version 1.20.0. |
VoiceProfile |
Defines Voice Profile class for Speaker Recognition |
VoiceProfileCancellationDetails | |
VoiceProfileClient |
Defines VoiceProfileClient class for Speaker Recognition Handles operations from user for Voice Profile operations (e.g. createProfile, deleteProfile) |
VoiceProfileEnrollmentCancellationDetails | |
VoiceProfileEnrollmentResult |
Output format |
VoiceProfilePhraseResult |
Output format |
VoiceProfileResult |
Output format |
CancellationEventArgs | |
ConversationInfo | |
IParticipant |
Represents a participant in a conversation. Added in version 1.4.0 |
IPlayer |
Represents audio player interface to control the audio playback, such as pause, resume, etc. |
IVoiceJson | |
MeetingInfo | |
VoiceSignature |
AudioFormatTag | |
CancellationErrorCode |
Defines error code in case that CancellationReason is Error. Added in version 1.1.0. |
CancellationReason |
Defines the possible reasons a recognition result might be canceled. |
LanguageIdMode |
Language Identification mode |
LogLevel | |
NoMatchReason |
Defines the possible reasons a recognition result might not be recognized. |
OutputFormat |
Define Speech Recognizer output formats. |
ParticipantChangedReason | |
ProfanityOption |
Profanity option. Added in version 1.7.0. |
PronunciationAssessmentGradingSystem |
Defines the point system for pronunciation score calibration; default value is FivePoint. Added in version 1.15.0 |
PronunciationAssessmentGranularity |
Defines the pronunciation evaluation granularity; default value is Phoneme. Added in version 1.15.0 |
PropertyId |
Defines speech property ids. |
ResultReason |
Defines the possible reasons a recognition result might be generated. |
ServicePropertyChannel |
Defines channels used to pass property settings to service. Added in version 1.7.0. |
SpeakerRecognitionResultType | |
SpeechSynthesisBoundaryType |
Defines the boundary type of speech synthesis boundary event. |
SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat |
Define speech synthesis audio output formats. SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat Updated in version 1.17.0 |
VoiceProfileType |
Output format |