Office.SetBindingDataOptions interface

Provides options for how to set the data in a binding.


If the rows option is used, the value must be "thisRow".



A user-defined item of any type that is returned, unchanged, in the asyncContext property of the AsyncResult object that is passed to a callback.


Use only with binding type table and when a TableData object is passed for the data parameter. An array of objects that specify a range of columns, rows, or cells and specify, as key-value pairs, the cell formatting to apply to that range.

Example: [{cells: Office.Table.Data, format: {fontColor: "yellow"}}, {cells: {row: 3, column: 4}, format: {borderColor: "white", fontStyle: "bold"}}]


Explicitly sets the shape of the data object. If not supplied is inferred from the data type.


Only for table bindings in content add-ins for Access. Array of strings. Specifies the column names.


Only for table bindings in content add-ins for Access. Specifies the pre-defined string "thisRow" to get data in the currently selected row.


Specifies the zero-based starting column for a subset of the data. Only for table or matrix bindings. If omitted, data is set starting in the first column.


Specifies the zero-based starting row for a subset of the data in the binding. Only for table or matrix bindings. If omitted, data is set starting in the first row.


For an inserted table, a list of key-value pairs that specify table formatting options, such as header row, total row, and banded rows. Example: {bandedRows: true, filterButton: false}

Property Details


A user-defined item of any type that is returned, unchanged, in the asyncContext property of the AsyncResult object that is passed to a callback.

asyncContext?: any

Property Value



Use only with binding type table and when a TableData object is passed for the data parameter. An array of objects that specify a range of columns, rows, or cells and specify, as key-value pairs, the cell formatting to apply to that range.

Example: [{cells: Office.Table.Data, format: {fontColor: "yellow"}}, {cells: {row: 3, column: 4}, format: {borderColor: "white", fontStyle: "bold"}}]

cellFormat?: RangeFormatConfiguration[]

Property Value


Explicitly sets the shape of the data object. If not supplied is inferred from the data type.

coercionType?: Office.CoercionType | string

Property Value



This API is now deprecated.

Microsoft Access is no longer supported.

Only for table bindings in content add-ins for Access. Array of strings. Specifies the column names.

columns?: string[]

Property Value




This API is now deprecated.

Microsoft Access is no longer supported.

Only for table bindings in content add-ins for Access. Specifies the pre-defined string "thisRow" to get data in the currently selected row.

rows?: string

Property Value



Specifies the zero-based starting column for a subset of the data. Only for table or matrix bindings. If omitted, data is set starting in the first column.

startColumn?: number

Property Value



Specifies the zero-based starting row for a subset of the data in the binding. Only for table or matrix bindings. If omitted, data is set starting in the first row.

startRow?: number

Property Value



For an inserted table, a list of key-value pairs that specify table formatting options, such as header row, total row, and banded rows. Example: {bandedRows: true, filterButton: false}

tableOptions?: object

Property Value
