Office.SettingsChangedEventArgs interface

Provides information about the settings that raised the settingsChanged event.

To add an event handler for the settingsChanged event, use the addHandlerAsync method of the Office.Settings object.

The settingsChanged event fires only when your add-in's script calls the Settings.saveAsync method to persist the in-memory copy of the settings into the document file. The settingsChanged event is not triggered when the Settings.set or Settings.remove methods are called.

The settingsChanged event was designed to let you to handle potential conflicts when two or more users are attempting to save settings at the same time when your add-in is used in a shared (coauthored) document.

Important: Your add-in's code can register a handler for the settingsChanged event when the add-in is running with any Excel client, but the event will fire only when the add-in is loaded with a spreadsheet that is opened in Excel on the web, and more than one user is editing the spreadsheet (coauthoring). Therefore, effectively the settingsChanged event is supported only in Excel on the web in coauthoring scenarios.



Gets an Office.Settings object that represents the settings that raised the settingsChanged event.


Get an Office.EventType enumeration value that identifies the kind of event that was raised.

Property Details


Gets an Office.Settings object that represents the settings that raised the settingsChanged event.

settings: Settings;

Property Value


Get an Office.EventType enumeration value that identifies the kind of event that was raised.

type: EventType;

Property Value