OneNote.Interfaces.ApplicationLoadOptions interface

Represents the top-level object that contains all globally addressable OneNote objects such as notebooks, the active notebook, and the active section.


[ API set: OneNoteApi 1.1 ]



Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).


Gets the collection of notebooks that are open in the OneNote application instance. In OneNote Online, only one notebook at a time is open in the application instance.

Property Details


Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).

$all?: boolean;

Property Value



Gets the collection of notebooks that are open in the OneNote application instance. In OneNote Online, only one notebook at a time is open in the application instance.

notebooks?: OneNote.Interfaces.NotebookCollectionLoadOptions;

Property Value


[ API set: OneNoteApi 1.1 ]