Office.EmailAddressDetails interface
Provides the email properties of the sender or specified recipients of an email message or appointment.
Minimum permission level: read item
Applicable Outlook mode: Compose or Read
appointment |
Gets the response that an attendee returned for an appointment. This property applies to only an attendee of an appointment, as represented by the |
display |
Gets the display name associated with an email address. |
email |
Gets the SMTP email address. |
recipient |
Gets the email address type of a recipient. |
Gets the response that an attendee returned for an appointment. This property applies to only an attendee of an appointment, as represented by the optionalAttendees
or requiredAttendees
property. This property returns undefined in other scenarios.
appointmentResponse: MailboxEnums.ResponseType | string;
Property Value
Office.MailboxEnums.ResponseType | string
// The following sample provides the responses from required attendees.
// Note that this sample needs the add-in to be in Appointment Read (Attendee) mode.
const requiredAttendees = Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees;
console.log("There are " + requiredAttendees.length + " required attendees.")
requiredAttendees.forEach(function (requiredAttendee) {
console.log("Attendee " + requiredAttendee.displayName + ": " + requiredAttendee.appointmentResponse);
Gets the display name associated with an email address.
displayName: string;
Property Value
const organizerName = Office.context.mailbox.item.organizer.displayName;
console.log("Organizer: " + organizerName);
Gets the SMTP email address.
emailAddress: string;
Property Value
const organizerAddress = Office.context.mailbox.item.organizer.emailAddress;
console.log("Organizer's email address: " + organizerAddress);
Gets the email address type of a recipient.
recipientType: MailboxEnums.RecipientType | string;
Property Value
Office.MailboxEnums.RecipientType | string
property value isn't returned by the Office.context.mailbox.item.from.getAsync and Office.context.mailbox.item.organizer.getAsync methods. The email sender or appointment organizer is always a user whose email address is on the Exchange server.While composing a mail item, when you switch to a sender account that's on a different domain than that of the previously selected sender account, the value of the
property for existing recipients isn't updated and will still be based on the domain of the previously selected account. To get the correct recipient types after switching accounts, you must first remove the existing recipients, then add them back to the mail item.
const requiredAttendees = Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees;
console.log("There are " + requiredAttendees.length + " required attendees.")
requiredAttendees.forEach(function (requiredAttendee) {
console.log("Attendee " + requiredAttendee.displayName + ": " + requiredAttendee.recipientType);
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