PowerPoint.InsertSlideOptions interface

Represents the available options when inserting slides.


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.2 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/powerpoint/slide-management/insert-slides.yaml

await PowerPoint.run(async function(context) {
    // Get the ID of the first selected slide.
    const presentation: PowerPoint.Presentation = context.presentation;
    const selected: PowerPoint.Slide = presentation.getSelectedSlides().getItemAt(0);
    await context.sync();

    // Insert the other presentation after the selected slide.
    const insertOptions: PowerPoint.InsertSlideOptions = {
        formatting: PowerPoint.InsertSlideFormatting.useDestinationTheme,
        targetSlideId: selected.id
    presentation.insertSlidesFromBase64(chosenFileBase64, insertOptions);
    await context.sync();



Specifies which formatting to use during slide insertion. The default option is to use "KeepSourceFormatting".


Specifies the slides from the source presentation that will be inserted into the current presentation. These slides are represented by their IDs which can be retrieved from a Slide object. The order of these slides is preserved during the insertion. If any of the source slides are not found, or if the IDs are invalid, the operation throws a SlideNotFound exception and no slides will be inserted. All of the source slides will be inserted when sourceSlideIds is not provided (this is the default behavior).


Specifies where in the presentation the new slides will be inserted. The new slides will be inserted after the slide with the given slide ID. If targetSlideId is not provided, the slides will be inserted at the beginning of the presentation. If targetSlideId is invalid or if it is pointing to a non-existing slide, the operation throws a SlideNotFound exception and no slides will be inserted.

Property Details


Specifies which formatting to use during slide insertion. The default option is to use "KeepSourceFormatting".

formatting?: PowerPoint.InsertSlideFormatting | "KeepSourceFormatting" | "UseDestinationTheme";

Property Value

PowerPoint.InsertSlideFormatting | "KeepSourceFormatting" | "UseDestinationTheme"


[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.2 ]


Specifies the slides from the source presentation that will be inserted into the current presentation. These slides are represented by their IDs which can be retrieved from a Slide object. The order of these slides is preserved during the insertion. If any of the source slides are not found, or if the IDs are invalid, the operation throws a SlideNotFound exception and no slides will be inserted. All of the source slides will be inserted when sourceSlideIds is not provided (this is the default behavior).

sourceSlideIds?: string[];

Property Value



[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.2 ]


Specifies where in the presentation the new slides will be inserted. The new slides will be inserted after the slide with the given slide ID. If targetSlideId is not provided, the slides will be inserted at the beginning of the presentation. If targetSlideId is invalid or if it is pointing to a non-existing slide, the operation throws a SlideNotFound exception and no slides will be inserted.

targetSlideId?: string;

Property Value



[ API set: PowerPointApi 1.2 ]