IFileDownloadOptions interface



Optional. ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS. How many retries will perform when original body download stream unexpected ends. Above kind of ends will not trigger retry policy defined in a pipeline, because they doesn't emit network errors.

With this option, every additional retry means an additional FileURL.download() request will be made from the broken point, until the requested range has been successfully downloaded or maxRetryRequests is reached.

Default value is 5, please set a larger value when loading large files in poor network.


Download progress updating event handler.


When this header is set to true and specified together with the Range header, the service returns the MD5 hash for the range, as long as the range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size.

Property Details


Optional. ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS. How many retries will perform when original body download stream unexpected ends. Above kind of ends will not trigger retry policy defined in a pipeline, because they doesn't emit network errors.

With this option, every additional retry means an additional FileURL.download() request will be made from the broken point, until the requested range has been successfully downloaded or maxRetryRequests is reached.

Default value is 5, please set a larger value when loading large files in poor network.

maxRetryRequests?: undefined | number

Property Value

undefined | number


Download progress updating event handler.

progress?: undefined | (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void

Property Value

undefined | (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void


When this header is set to true and specified together with the Range header, the service returns the MD5 hash for the range, as long as the range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size.

rangeGetContentMD5?: undefined | false | true

Property Value

undefined | false | true