Application |
formatStaleValues |
Specifies whether the Format Stale Values option within Calculation Options is enabled or disabled. |
Base64EncodedImage |
data |
The Base64-encoded string. |
type |
The file type of the Base64-encoded image. |
BlockedErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of BlockedErrorCellValue . |
BusyErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of BusyErrorCellValue . |
CalcErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of CalcErrorCellValue . |
Chart |
getDataRange() |
Gets the data source of the whole chart. |
getDataRangeOrNullObject() |
Gets the data source of the whole chart. |
Comment |
assignTask(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) |
Assigns the task attached to the comment to the given user as an assignee. |
getTask() |
Gets the task associated with this comment. |
getTaskOrNullObject() |
Gets the task associated with this comment. |
CommentReply |
assignTask(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) |
Assigns the task attached to the comment to the given user as the sole assignee. |
getTask() |
Gets the task associated with this comment reply's thread. |
getTaskOrNullObject() |
Gets the task associated with this comment reply's thread. |
ConnectErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of ConnectErrorCellValue . |
DatetimeFormatInfo |
shortDateTimePattern |
Gets the format string for a short date and time value. |
DocumentTask |
assign(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) |
Adds the given user to the list of assignees attached to the task. |
assignees |
Returns a collection of assignees of the task. |
changes |
Gets the change records of the task. |
comment |
Gets the comment associated with the task. |
completedBy |
Gets the most recent user to have completed the task. |
completedDateTime |
Gets the date and time that the task was completed. |
createdBy |
Gets the user who created the task. |
createdDateTime |
Gets the date and time that the task was created. |
id |
Gets the ID of the task. |
percentComplete |
Specifies the completion percentage of the task. |
priority |
Specifies the priority of the task. |
startAndDueDateTime |
Gets or sets the date and time the task should start and is due. |
title |
Specifies title of the task. |
unassign(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) |
Removes the given user from the list of assignees attached to the task. |
unassignAll() |
Removes all users from the list of assignees attached to the task. |
DocumentTaskChange |
assignee |
Represents the user assigned to the task for an assign change action, or the user unassigned from the task for an unassign change action. |
changedBy |
Represents the identity of the user who made the task change. |
commentId |
Represents the ID of the comment or comment reply to which the task change is anchored. |
createdDateTime |
Represents the creation date and time of the task change record. |
dueDateTime |
Represents the task's due date and time. |
id |
The unique GUID of the task change. |
percentComplete |
Represents the task's completion percentage. |
priority |
Represents the task's priority. |
startDateTime |
Represents the task's start date and time. |
title |
Represents the task's title. |
type |
Represents the action type of the task change record. |
undoChangeId |
Represents the property that was undone for the undo change action. |
DocumentTaskChangeCollection |
getCount() |
Gets the number of change records in the collection for the task. |
getItemAt(index: number) |
Gets a task change record by using its index in the collection. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
DocumentTaskCollection |
getCount() |
Gets the number of tasks in the collection. |
getItem(key: string) |
Gets a task using its ID. |
getItemAt(index: number) |
Gets a task by its index in the collection. |
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) |
Gets a task using its ID. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
DocumentTaskSchedule |
dueDateTime |
Gets the date and time that the task is due. |
startDateTime |
Gets the date and time that the task should start. |
EmailIdentity |
displayName |
Represents the user's display name. |
email |
Represents the user's email. |
id |
Represents the user's unique ID. |
EntityArrayCardLayout |
arrayProperty |
Represents name of the property that contains the array shown in the card. |
columnsToReport |
Represents the count of columns which the card claims are in the array. |
displayName |
Represents name of the property that contains the array shown in the card. |
firstRowIsHeader |
Represents whether the first row of the array is treated as a header. |
layout |
Represents the type of this layout. |
rowsToReport |
Represents the count of rows which the card claims are in the array. |
EntityCardLayout |
layout |
Represents the type of this layout. |
ExternalCodeServiceObjectCellValue |
Python_str |
Represents the output of str() function when used on this object. |
Python_type |
Represents the full type name of this object. |
Python_typeName |
Represents the short type name of this object. |
basicType |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value. |
basicValue |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value. |
language |
Represents the runtime language of this external code service. |
preview |
Represents the preview value shown in the cell. |
provider |
Represents information about the service that provided the data in this ExternalCodeServiceObjectCellValue . |
type |
Represents the type of this cell value. |
Identity |
displayName |
Represents the user's display name. |
id |
Represents the user's unique ID. |
LinkedDataType |
dataProvider |
The name of the data provider for the linked data type. |
lastRefreshed |
The local time-zone date and time since the workbook was opened when the linked data type was last refreshed. |
name |
The name of the linked data type. |
periodicRefreshInterval |
The frequency, in seconds, at which the linked data type is refreshed if refreshMode is set to "Periodic". |
refreshMode |
The mechanism by which the data for the linked data type is retrieved. |
requestRefresh() |
Makes a request to refresh the linked data type. |
requestSetRefreshMode(refreshMode: Excel.LinkedDataTypeRefreshMode) |
Makes a request to change the refresh mode for this linked data type. |
serviceId |
The unique ID of the linked data type. |
supportedRefreshModes |
Returns an array with all the refresh modes supported by the linked data type. |
LinkedDataTypeAddedEventArgs |
serviceId |
The unique ID of the new linked data type. |
source |
Gets the source of the event. |
type |
Gets the type of the event. |
LinkedDataTypeCollection |
getCount() |
Gets the number of linked data types in the collection. |
getItem(key: number) |
Gets a linked data type by service ID. |
getItemAt(index: number) |
Gets a linked data type by its index in the collection. |
getItemOrNullObject(key: number) |
Gets a linked data type by ID. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
requestRefreshAll() |
Makes a request to refresh all the linked data types in the collection. |
LocalImage |
getBase64EncodedImageData(cacheUid: string) |
Gets the Base64-encoded image data stored in the shared image cache with the cache unique identifier (UID). |
LocalImageCellValue |
altText |
Represents the alternate text used in accessibility scenarios to describe what the image represents. |
attribution |
Represents attribution information to describe the source and license requirements for this image. |
basicType |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value. |
basicValue |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value. |
image |
Represents the image itself, either cached or encoded. |
provider |
Represents information that describes the entity or individual who provided the image. |
type |
Represents the type of this cell value. |
LocalImageCellValueCacheId |
cachedUid |
Represents the image's UID as it appears in the cache. |
NameErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of NameErrorCellValue . |
NamedSheetViewCollection |
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) |
Gets a sheet view using its name. |
NotAvailableErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of NotAvailableErrorCellValue . |
PivotLayout |
getCell(dataHierarchy: DataPivotHierarchy | string, rowItems: Array<PivotItem | string>, columnItems: Array<PivotItem | string>) |
Gets a unique cell in the PivotTable based on a data hierarchy and the row and column items of their respective hierarchies. |
pivotStyle |
The style applied to the PivotTable. |
setStyle(style: string | PivotTableStyle | BuiltInPivotTableStyle) |
Sets the style applied to the PivotTable. |
PythonErrorCellValue |
basicType |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value. |
basicValue |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value. |
errorType |
Represents the type of ErrorCellValue . |
type |
Represents the type of this cell value. |
Query |
delete() |
Deletes the query and associated connection. |
refresh() |
Refreshes the query. |
QueryCollection |
refreshAll() |
Refresh all queries. |
Range |
getDisplayedCellProperties(cellPropertiesLoadOptions: CellPropertiesLoadOptions) |
Returns a 2D array, encapsulating the display data for each cell's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties. |
RangeAreas |
RefErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of RefErrorCellValue . |
RefreshModeChangedEventArgs |
refreshMode |
The linked data type refresh mode. |
serviceId |
The unique ID of the object whose refresh mode was changed. |
source |
Gets the source of the event. |
type |
Gets the type of the event. |
RefreshRequestCompletedEventArgs |
refreshed |
Indicates if the request to refresh was successful. |
serviceId |
The unique ID of the object whose refresh request was completed. |
source |
Gets the source of the event. |
type |
Gets the type of the event. |
warnings |
An array that contains any warnings generated from the refresh request. |
SettableCellProperties |
textRuns |
Represents the textRuns property. |
ShapeCollection |
addLocalImageReference(address: string) |
Creates a reference for the local image stored in the cell address and displays it as a floating shape over cells. |
addSvg(xml: string) |
Creates a scalable vector graphic (SVG) from an XML string and adds it to the worksheet. |
Slicer |
nameInFormula |
Represents the slicer name used in the formula. |
setStyle(style: string | SlicerStyle | BuiltInSlicerStyle) |
Sets the style applied to the slicer. |
slicerStyle |
The style applied to the slicer. |
Table |
clearStyle() |
Changes the table to use the default table style. |
onFiltered |
Occurs when a filter is applied on a specific table. |
setStyle(style: string | TableStyle | BuiltInTableStyle) |
Sets the style applied to the table. |
tableStyle |
The style applied to the table. |
TableCollection |
onFiltered |
Occurs when a filter is applied on any table in a workbook, or a worksheet. |
TableFilteredEventArgs |
tableId |
Gets the ID of the table in which the filter is applied. |
type |
Gets the type of the event. |
worksheetId |
Gets the ID of the worksheet which contains the table. |
TimeoutErrorCellValue |
basicType |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value. |
basicValue |
Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value. |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of TimeoutErrorCellValue . |
errorType |
Represents the type of ErrorCellValue . |
type |
Represents the type of this cell value. |
ValueErrorCellValue |
errorSubType |
Represents the type of ValueErrorCellValue . |
Workbook |
externalCodeServiceTimeout |
Specifies the maximum length of time, in seconds, allotted for a formula that depends on an external code service to complete. |
linkedDataTypes |
Returns a collection of linked data types that are part of the workbook. |
localImage |
Returns the LocalImage object associated with the workbook. |
showPivotFieldList |
Specifies whether the PivotTable's field list pane is shown at the workbook level. |
tasks |
Returns a collection of tasks that are present in the workbook. |
use1904DateSystem |
True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system. |
Worksheet |
onFiltered |
Occurs when a filter is applied on a specific worksheet. |
tasks |
Returns a collection of tasks that are present in the worksheet. |
WorksheetCollection |
addFromBase64(base64File: string, sheetNamesToInsert?: string[], positionType?: Excel.WorksheetPositionType, relativeTo?: Worksheet | string) |
Inserts the specified worksheets of a workbook into the current workbook. |
onFiltered |
Occurs when any worksheet's filter is applied in the workbook. |
WorksheetFilteredEventArgs |
type |
Gets the type of the event. |
worksheetId |
Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the filter is applied. |