Session class

Provides access to the application's browser session and active page.



A unique identifier for the current instance of the client-side application.


The id of the currently running application


A unique identifier for the current page within the client-side application.

Property Details


A unique identifier for the current instance of the client-side application.

static get applicationId(): Guid;

Property Value


A unique identifier used to correlate logging and other diagnostic information. Its lifetime persists for the duration of the client-side application instance, i.e. it begins with the server request that renders the page, and ends e.g. when the browser tab is closed or F5 is pressed to reload the page. Note that if the application's router supports in-place navigation (via the history.pushState() API), the application session persists across these transitions.


The id of the currently running application

static get clientSideApplicationId(): string;

Property Value



A unique identifier for the current page within the client-side application.

static get pageId(): Guid;

Property Value


A unique identifier used to correlate logging and other diagnostic information. Whereas the Session.applicationId tracks the entire lifetime of the client-side application instance, the pageId tracks an individual "page" that is rendered.

For example, suppose that the application initially loads PageA, then the user does in-place navigation (via the history.pushState() API) to PageB, then navigates back to PageA, and finally they close the browser tab. During this sequence, the applicationId will remain the same, however the pageId will change on each navigation. The 3 different pageId values are used by the diagnostics e.g. to track success/failure statistics for PageA independently of PageB.

The concept of a page is subjective and defined by the router for a particular application.