IWebPartPropertiesMetadata interface

This structure is used to define metadata for web part properties as a map of string to IWebPartPropertyMetadata


The key should be a JSON path to the property in web part properties. The JSON path supports the following operators:

  • Dot . for selecting object members, for example person.name

  • Brackets [] for selecting array items, for example person.photoURLs[0]

  • Bracketed asterisk [*] for array elements wildcard, for example person.websites[*].

You can make combinations of these operators, for example person.websites[*].url

Important Note: Only one wildcard per path is supported.

Example: Let's assume we have a web part with properties that have the following schema:

  title: string;
  person: {
    name: string;
    bio: string;
    photoURLs: string[];
    websites: { title: string; url: string; }[]

We can define the metadata for the desired properties as following:

 'person.bio': { isRichContent: true },
 'person.photoURLs[*]': { isImageSource: true },
 'person.websites[*].url': { isLink: true }

This will make SharePoint servers aware of the content of your properties and run services such as search indexing, link fix-up, etc on the data. In case any of the values needs to update by these services, e.g link fix-up, the web part property bag is automatically updated.