Word.InlinePictureCollection class

Contains a collection of Word.InlinePicture objects.



[ API set: WordApi 1.1 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/15-images/insert-and-get-pictures.yaml

// Gets the first image in the document.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  const firstPicture: Word.InlinePicture = context.document.body.inlinePictures.getFirst();
  firstPicture.load("width, height, imageFormat");

  await context.sync();
  console.log(`Image dimensions: ${firstPicture.width} x ${firstPicture.height}`, `Image format: ${firstPicture.imageFormat}`);
  // Get the image encoded as Base64.
  const base64 = firstPicture.getBase64ImageSrc();

  await context.sync();



The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.


Gets the loaded child items in this collection.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that's passed to it.) Whereas the original Word.InlinePictureCollection object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as Word.Interfaces.InlinePictureCollectionData) that contains an "items" array with shallow copies of any loaded properties from the collection's items.


Track the object for automatic adjustment based on surrounding changes in the document. This call is a shorthand for context.trackedObjects.add(thisObject). If you're using this object across .sync calls and outside the sequential execution of a ".run" batch, and get an "InvalidObjectPath" error when setting a property or invoking a method on the object, you need to add the object to the tracked object collection when the object was first created. If this object is part of a collection, you should also track the parent collection.


Release the memory associated with this object, if it has previously been tracked. This call is shorthand for context.trackedObjects.remove(thisObject). Having many tracked objects slows down the host application, so please remember to free any objects you add, once you're done using them. You'll need to call context.sync() before the memory release takes effect.

Property Details


The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.

context: RequestContext;

Property Value


Gets the loaded child items in this collection.

readonly items: Word.InlinePicture[];

Property Value

Method Details


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(options?: Word.Interfaces.InlinePictureCollectionLoadOptions & Word.Interfaces.CollectionLoadOptions): Word.InlinePictureCollection;



Word.Interfaces.InlinePictureCollectionLoadOptions & Word.Interfaces.CollectionLoadOptions

Provides options for which properties of the object to load.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNames?: string | string[]): Word.InlinePictureCollection;



string | string[]

A comma-delimited string or an array of strings that specify the properties to load.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNamesAndPaths?: OfficeExtension.LoadOption): Word.InlinePictureCollection;



propertyNamesAndPaths.select is a comma-delimited string that specifies the properties to load, and propertyNamesAndPaths.expand is a comma-delimited string that specifies the navigation properties to load.



Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that's passed to it.) Whereas the original Word.InlinePictureCollection object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as Word.Interfaces.InlinePictureCollectionData) that contains an "items" array with shallow copies of any loaded properties from the collection's items.

toJSON(): Word.Interfaces.InlinePictureCollectionData;



Track the object for automatic adjustment based on surrounding changes in the document. This call is a shorthand for context.trackedObjects.add(thisObject). If you're using this object across .sync calls and outside the sequential execution of a ".run" batch, and get an "InvalidObjectPath" error when setting a property or invoking a method on the object, you need to add the object to the tracked object collection when the object was first created. If this object is part of a collection, you should also track the parent collection.

track(): Word.InlinePictureCollection;



Release the memory associated with this object, if it has previously been tracked. This call is shorthand for context.trackedObjects.remove(thisObject). Having many tracked objects slows down the host application, so please remember to free any objects you add, once you're done using them. You'll need to call context.sync() before the memory release takes effect.

untrack(): Word.InlinePictureCollection;
