Controlling and suppressing Kusto SDK client-side tracing

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

The Kusto client libraries use a common platform for tracing. The platform uses a large number of trace sources (System.Diagnostics.TraceSource), and each is connected to the default set of trace listeners (System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners) during its construction.

If an application has trace listeners associated with the default System.Diagnostics.Trace instance (for example, through its app.config file), then the Kusto client libraries will emit traces to those listeners.

The tracing can be suppressed or controlled programmatically or through a config file.

Suppress tracing programmatically

To suppress tracing from the Kusto client libraries programmatically, invoke this piece of code when loading the relevant library:


Use a config file to suppress tracing

To suppress tracing from the client libraries through a config file, modify the file Kusto.Cloud.Platform.dll.tweaks (which is included with the Kusto.Data library).

    <!--Overrides the default trace verbosity level-->
    <add key="Kusto.Cloud.Platform.Utils.Tracing.OverrideTraceVerbosityLevel" value="0" />


For the tweak to take effect, there must not be a minus sign in the value of key

An alternative, is:


Enable client libraries tracing

To enable tracing out of the client libraries, enable .NET tracing in your application's app.config file. For example, assume that the application MyApp.exe uses the Kusto.Data client library. Changing file MyApp.exe.config to include the following, will enable Kusto.Data tracing the next time that the application starts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <trace indentsize="4">
        <add type="Kusto.Cloud.Platform.Utils.RollingCsvTraceListener2, Kusto.Cloud.Platform" name="RollingCsvTraceListener" initializeData="RollingLogs" />
        <remove name="Default" />

The code will configure a trace listener that writes to CSV files in a subdirectory called RollingLogs. The subdirectory is located in the process' directory.


Any .NET-compatible trace listener class may be used as well.

Enable MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) tracing

Once tracing for client libraries is enabled, tracing for MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) is enabled automatically.