Ingestion mappings
Applies to: ✅ Microsoft Fabric ✅ Azure Data Explorer
Ingestion mappings are used during ingestion to map incoming data to columns inside tables.
Data Explorer supports different types of mappings, both row-oriented (CSV, JSON, AVRO and W3CLOGFILE), and column-oriented (Parquet and ORC).
Ingestion mappings can be defined in the ingest command, or can be precreated and referenced from the ingest command using ingestionMappingReference
parameters. Ingestion is possible without specifying a mapping. For more information, see identity mapping.
Each element in the mapping list is constructed from three fields:
Property | Required | Description |
Column | ✔️ | Target column name in the table. |
Datatype | Datatype with which to create the mapped column if it doesn't already exist in the table. | |
Properties | Property-bag containing properties specific for each mapping as described in each specific mapping type page. |
For queued ingestion:
- If the table referenced in the mapping doesn't exist in the database, it gets created automatically, given that valid data types are specified for all columns.
- If a column referenced in the mapping doesn't exist in the table, it gets added automatically to the table as the last column upon the first time data is ingested for that column, given a valid data type is specified for the column. To add new columns to a mapping, use the .alter ingestion mapping command.
- Data is batched using Ingestion properties. The more distinct ingestion mapping properties used, such as different ConstValue values, the more fragmented the ingestion becomes, which can lead to performance degradation.
The following table defines mapping types to be used when ingesting or querying external data of a specific format.
Data Format | Mapping Type |
CSV | CSV Mapping |
TSV | CSV Mapping |
TSVe | CSV Mapping |
PSV | CSV Mapping |
SCSV | CSV Mapping |
SOHsv | CSV Mapping |
TXT | CSV Mapping |
RAW | CSV Mapping |
JSON | JSON Mapping |
AVRO | AVRO Mapping |
Parquet | Parquet Mapping |
ORC | ORC Mapping |
The following examples use the RawEvents
table with the following schema:
.create table RawEvents (timestamp: datetime, deviceId: guid, messageId: guid, temperature: decimal, humidity: decimal)
The following example shows ingestion where the mapping is defined in the ingest command. The command ingests a JSON file from a URL into the RawEvents
table. The mapping specifies the path to each field in the JSON file.
.ingest into table RawEvents ('')
with (
format = "json",
ingestionMapping =
To map the same JSON file using a precreated mapping, create the RawEventMapping
ingestion mapping reference with the following command:
.create table RawEvents ingestion json mapping 'RawEventMapping'
Ingest the JSON file using the RawEventMapping
ingestion mapping reference with the following command:
.ingest into table RawEvents ('')
with (
Ingestion is possible without specifying ingestionMapping
or ingestionMappingReference
properties. The data is mapped using an identity data mapping derived from the table's schema. The table schema remains the same. format
property should be specified. See ingestion formats.
Format type | Format | Mapping logic |
Tabular data formats with defined order of columns, such as delimiter-separated or single-line formats. | CSV, TSV, TSVe, PSV, SCSV, Txt, SOHsv, Raw | All table columns are mapped in their respective order to data columns in order they appear in the data source. Column data type is taken from the table schema. |
Formats with named columns or records with named fields. | JSON, Parquet, Avro, ApacheAvro, Orc, W3CLOGFILE | All table columns are mapped to data columns or record fields having the same name (case-sensitive). Column data type is taken from the table schema. |
Any mismatch between the table schema and the structure of data, such as column or field data types, column or field names or their number might result in empty or incorrect data ingested.
Some of the data format mappings (Parquet, JSON, and AVRO) support simple and useful ingest-time transformations. Where the scenario requires more complex processing at ingest time, use Update policy, which allows defining lightweight processing using KQL expression.
Path-dependant transformation | Description | Conditions |
PropertyBagArrayToDictionary | Transforms JSON array of properties, such as {events:[{"n1":"v1"},{"n2":"v2"}]} , to dictionary and serializes it to valid JSON document, such as {"n1":"v1","n2":"v2"} . |
Available for JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
SourceLocation | Name of the storage artifact that provided the data, type string (for example, the blob's "BaseUri" field). | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , ORC , and W3CLOGFILE mapping types. |
SourceLineNumber | Offset relative to that storage artifact, type long (starting with '1' and incrementing per new record). | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , ORC , and W3CLOGFILE mapping types. |
DateTimeFromUnixSeconds | Converts number representing unix-time (seconds since 1970-01-01) to UTC datetime string. | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
DateTimeFromUnixMilliseconds | Converts number representing unix-time (milliseconds since 1970-01-01) to UTC datetime string. | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
DateTimeFromUnixMicroseconds | Converts number representing unix-time (microseconds since 1970-01-01) to UTC datetime string. | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
DateTimeFromUnixNanoseconds | Converts number representing unix-time (nanoseconds since 1970-01-01) to UTC datetime string. | Available for CSV , JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
DropMappedFields | Maps an object in the JSON document to a column and removes any nested fields already referenced by other column mappings. | Available for JSON , Parquet , AVRO , and ORC mapping types. |
BytesAsBase64 | Treats the data as byte array and converts it to a base64-encoded string. | Available for AVRO mapping type. For ApacheAvro format, the schema type of the mapped data field should be bytes or fixed Avro type. For Avro format, the field should be an array containing byte values from [0-255] range. null is ingested if the data doesn't represent a valid byte array. |
Given the following JSON contents:
"Time": "2012-01-15T10:45",
"Props": {
"EventName": "CustomEvent",
"Revenue": 0.456
The following data mapping maps entire Props
object into dynamic column Props
while excluding
already mapped columns (Props.EventName
is already mapped into column EventName
, so it's
{ "Column": "Time", "Properties": { "Path": "$.Time" } },
{ "Column": "EventName", "Properties": { "Path": "$.Props.EventName" } },
{ "Column": "Props", "Properties": { "Path": "$.Props", "Transform":"DropMappedFields" } },
The ingested data looks as follows:
Time | EventName | Props |
2012-01-15T10:45 |
CustomEvent |
{"Revenue": 0.456} |
Given the following AVRO file contents:
"Time": "2012-01-15T10:45",
"Props": {
"id": [227,131,34,92,28,91,65,72,134,138,9,133,51,45,104,52]
The following data mapping maps the ID column twice, with and without the transformation.
{ "Column": "ID", "Properties": { "Path": "$" } },
{ "Column": "Base64EncodedId", "Properties": { "Path": "$", "Transform":"BytesAsBase64" } },
The ingested data looks as follows:
ID | Base64EncodedId |
[227,131,34,92,28,91,65,72,134,138,9,133,51,45,104,52] |
44MiXBxbQUiGigmFMy1oNA== |