
Try in Postman

The Activities API returns the domain entity field of an activity that presents the action that was performed (i.e. Share, Like, Comment, etc). This API doesn’t share member personal data as part of the API response.

The service currently provides the following methods:

  • Batch_Get to resolve a batch of activities and returns each activities' domain entity Urn

Supported Activity Types

As part of DMA scope, we support the following activity types:

  • Like
  • Share
  • Comment
  • GroupPost
  • UgcPost
  • LinkedinArticle
  • InstantRepost

For activity types that are not supported (i.e. Reaction), you should expect a HTTP 403 with Activity's verb type is not allowed from the ActivityFilter. message from the API response.


Field Format Description Required
ids URN Must be of format urn:li:activity:{id}. The activity ID Yes

Member Data Obfuscation

Member data obfuscation is performed per activity level to see if an activity's author is opted in/out for sharing their data. The DomainEntity field will be empty when the author is opted out for sharing their data.

Retrieve Activity Details

Sample Request

GET ''