Advertiser Transparency API

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LinkedIn’s Advertiser Transparency API enables advertisers based in the European Economic Area or Switzerland to carry out verification of their LinkedIn advertisements inventory, through their verification vendor. LinkedIn is providing the Advertiser Transparency API in response to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) - a new EU law that regulates large online platforms to ensure fair competition, protect consumer rights, and foster innovation in the digital economy. The Advertiser Transparency API returns verification data at the ad account level which can be used to verify that ads in LinkedIn Feed and other LinkedIn owned and operated placements were viewed by real persons in a brand safe environment. These insights help advertisers make the most of their LinkedIn ads experience and ensure the safety and compliance of their campaigns on LinkedIn.

Note: This is a private API, available only to qualified developers who meet certain criteria. To learn more about qualifications and how to request access, please see the FAQ. If you believe you are a qualified developer and need access to this API, please submit a Zendesk support ticket.


Permission Description
r_dma_advertiser_trust Allow access to LinkedIn Ads Data to perform independent verification

The Advertiser Transparency API requires a 3-legged OAuth member token and your developer application needs to be provisioned with the Advertiser Transparency Data qualification, as outlined above. Once you have been approved for access, you can use the valid member access token to access the API.

Eligibility for Access

The Advertiser Transparency API is a private API and can only be accessed by developers who meet the eligibility criteria defined here.



Path Parameter

Field Format Description Required
sponsoredAccountUrn SponsoredAccountUrn URN of the sponsoredAccount for which the data should be retrieved. It is of type urn:li:sponsoredAccount:{sponsoredAccountId}. Yes

Query Parameter

Field Format Description Required
month int monthYear for which the data is requested for. It is of format YYYYMM example, month=202309 Yes

Validations and Minimum Requirements

  • Data retrieval can only be done for advertisers whose billing information is in the EEA or Switzerland region.
  • At any given time, once the developer is approved for access to the Advertiser Transparency API, the developer gets access to the prior six calendar months of data. For example, if a developer is approved for access in November of 2024, they would have access to the previous six months (from May 2024 - October 2024).
  • The earliest available data is from March 6, 2024. The only exception here is for viewability data for display ads - the earliest available data is from the day the access is approved for the ad account. For example, if a developer is approved for access in November of 2024, they would have access to display viewability data from November 2024 onwards. We will not be able to backfill data outside of our retention policy.
  • Reports for the preceding month will be available 12 days after the month ends [eg: the monthly report for September will be available after 12th October].

Sample Request

X-Restli-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0
Linkedin-Version: {version number}
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Response Schema

Field Format Description
downloadUrl Url Provides the Ambry URL endpoint for downloading advertiser transparency data. This URL will only be valid for 15 mins and will expire post that

The URL will point to a CSV file, with the following content. Please note that access to the specific data fields below is based on your specific access rights.

Field Format Description Nullable
CampaignId Integer CampaignId associated with the creative No
Page URL String URL where ad appeared. It can be null or have possible values - Linkedin home page ( or Company page URL ( Yes
Category of posts Array[String] List of categories of adjacent posts, it will be populated only if the ad was shown in Feed. Data shared is only limited to LinkedIn’s categorization of organic content (High/Mid) according to GARM brand safety floor and suitability frameworks Eg:[HATE_SPEECH_HIGH_RISK,GRAPHIC_CONTENT_MEDIUM_RISK] Yes
IPAddress String IPAddress where the entity was served, it could be IPv4 or IPv6 No
UserAgent String UserAgent of the request Yes
Platform type Enum(String) String enum with possible values as - WEB/ANDROID/IOS Yes
Serving timestamp Long Epoch timestamp when request was served No
Viewability AdFormat Boolean Signals the video ad occured, possible values are true/false No
Video Started Boolean When the client video started or an individual creative within the ad was loaded and playback began. Yes
Video viewed Boolean Playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view. Yes
Video First Quartile Boolean The creative played at 25% of the total duration at normal speed, including play that skipped to this point. Yes
Video Second Quartile Boolean The creative played at 50% of the total duration at normal speed, including play that skipped to this point. Yes
Video Third Quartile Boolean The creative played at 75% of the total duration at normal speed, including play that skipped to this point. Yes
Video Completed Boolean The creative was played 97-100% of the total duration at normal speed in which the event will start firing at 97%. Yes
Video Fully Completed Boolean The creative was played to 100% of the total duration at normal speed. Yes
Ad Paused Boolean The user clicked the pause control and stopped the creative. Yes
Ad Resumed Boolean The user activated the resume control after the creative had been stopped or paused. Yes
Full Screen Boolean The user activated a control to full screen. Yes
Seek Boolean The user activated a control to scrub over the video. Yes
Click on play video Boolean The user clicked the play control for the video ad. Yes
Replay video Boolean The user activated the replay control during playing the video ad. Yes
One-pixel continuous time (ms) Boolean Maximum milliseconds of continuous time in which at least 1 pixel of the ad is in-view Yes
50 Percent continuous time (ms) Boolean Maximum milliseconds of continuous time in which at least 50% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
80 Percent continuous time (ms) Boolean Maximum milliseconds of continuous time in which at least 80% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
100 Percent continuous time (ms) Boolean Maximum milliseconds of continuous time in which at least 100% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
One-pixel cumulative time (ms) Boolean Milliseconds of cumulative time in which at least 1 pixel of the ad is in-view for any period Yes
50 Percent cumulative time (ms) Boolean Milliseconds of cumulative time in which at least 50% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
80 Percent cumulative time (ms) Boolean Milliseconds of cumulative time in which at least 80% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
100 Percent cumulative time (ms) Boolean Milliseconds of cumulative time in which at least 100% of the pixels of the ad are in-view Yes
Sample Response
  "downloadUrl": ""

API Error Details

400 INVALID_ACCOUNT Account present in the API request is of incorrect format Make sure that sponsoredAccountUrn is of correct format
400 DATE_OLDER_THAN_SIX_MONTHS Date can’t be older than 6 months Request data for month within last 6 months of current date
400 ADVERTISER_NOT_IN_EEA_OR_SWITZERLAND Advertiser is not eligible for retrieving data since they are not present in Switzerland/EEA region Request data retrieval for advertisers that are present in EEA/Switzerland
400 Invalid monthYear parameter, should be of yyyyMM format Invalid monthYear parameter, should be of yyyyMM format Enter monthYear in yyyyMM format
401 EMPTY_ACCESS_TOKEN Empty oauth2 access token Use a valid member access token
401 INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN Invalid oauth2 access token Use a valid member access token
401 REVOKED_ACCESS_TOKEN The token used in the request has been revoked by the user Make sure user has granted you access to their data
403 ACCESS_DENIED Not enough permissions to access the resource Make sure your developer application is provisioned with the required permissions.
403 USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED Member present in the request does not have sufficient access to the Ad Account Make sure the member associated with access token has a user role on the provided Ad Account
404 NOT_FOUND Could not find entity. Verify the provided entity ID is correct.
404 UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ADVERTISER_DETAILS Unable to fetch billing details for the requested advertiser account Make sure that the account is valid and has been configured correctly.
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review our Advertiser Transparency FAQ