Company Search


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202310 (Marketing October 2023) and earlier versions (excluding 202306 and 202307) have been sunset. Additionally, the unversioned APIs will be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

The Company Search API to find companies using keywords, industry, location, and other criteria. It returns a collection of matching companies. Each entry can contain an entity field represented by an organization URN.

The API also supports filters to further refine your request, which is similar to using the filters on the left-hand side of the LinkedIn Search results page.


The Company Search endpoint is restricted. This permission is granted to selected developers only.

Search for Companies

Here are a few examples of how to use the Company Search API.

Sample Request


Unless otherwise specified:

  • All input is case insensitive.
  • Multiple words should be joined using a space. Since you need to URL encode input, this translates to %20. For example, Andrew%20Clark.
  • When you pass in multiple words, a search is made for the complete string.
  • Wildcards and Boolean logic is not supported (for example: *, ?, AND, and OR).


Field Description Format Required
query This is typically the organization name, but keyword hits will match this value anywhere in an organization listing. Format is space-delimited, url-encoded search terms, and requires a minimum of 3 characters. string No
filter.industry industry fields string array No
filter.industryV2 industry V2 fields string array No
filter.networkDegree network relationship string array No
filter.companySize organization size range string array No
filter.followersSize number of followers string array No
filter.fortune Fortune ranking string array No


You should search for only a single company at a time. All search parameters should be related to the single company you intend to find.

Search by Keywords

Use query to search companies by keywords.

Sample Request


Search by Filters

Use the filter parameters to search by one or more facets. Each filter may contain multiple values, so use bracket array notation, and be sure to url-encode the brackets (note encoded brackets %5B0 and %5BD in the request below).

Sample Request


Filter Details

Filter Definition Values
industry Deprecated on June 30, 2022. Use industryV2 field instead. Industry codes are listed on a separate page.
industryV2 An industry field. Industry V2 codes are listed on a separate page.
networkDegree Collection of companies based on relationship. Valid values are:
  • F: First degree
  • S: Second degree
  • O: Out of network
  • companySize The company collection based on size range specified. Valid values are:
  • B: 1-10
  • C: 11-50
  • D: 51-200
  • E: 201-500
  • F: 501-1000
  • G: 1001-5000
  • H: 5001-10,000
  • I: 10,000+
  • followersSize The company collection based on the number of followers. Valid values are:
  • 1: 5000 to *
  • 2: 1001-5000
  • 3: 101-1000
  • 4: 51-100
  • 5: 1-50
  • fortune The company collection based on the Fortune ranking. Valid values are:
  • 1: Fortune 50
  • 2: Fortune 51 - 100
  • 3: Fortune 101 - 250
  • 4: Fortune 251 - 500
  • 5: Fortune 501 - 1000
  • Search Response

    By default, results will contain an organization URN for each search hit. You can get the id, name, localizedName, vanityName, logoV2, and locations for each search hit using decoration in the request via the projection query parameter.

    For example:


    Sample Response

        "elements": [
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-it"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:1032984"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:1333387"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-in"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:11673184"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-hr-linkedhr-"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:351062"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-executive-search"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:2257467"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-rh"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:3348356"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-education"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:10610729"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-local-network"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:1459903"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-quebec"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:1599550"
                "entity~": {
                    "vanityName": "linked-com"
                "entity": "urn:li:organization:3618227"
        "paging": {
            "total": 12991,
            "count": 10,
            "start": 0,
            "links": [
                    "rel": "next",
                    "href": "/v2/companySearch?q=search&query=Linked&count=10&projection=%28elements*%28entity%7E%28vanityName%29%29%2Cpaging%29&start=0",
                    "type": "application/json"