Organization Follower Statistics


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202310 (Marketing October 2023) and earlier versions (excluding 202306 and 202307) have been sunset. Additionally, the unversioned APIs will be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

The organizationalEntityFollowerStatistics API allows you to retrieve both lifetime and time-bound statistics on followers for an organization.

  • Lifetime follower statistics: To retrieve lifetime follower statistics, omit the timeIntervals query parameter. The API returns follower counts segmented by various facets such as geo location and industry.

  • Time-bound follower statistics: To retrieve time-bound follower statistics, include the timeIntervals query parameter. The API returns the aggregate follower count for both paid and organic followers during the days, weeks or months of the selected date range, based on the specified timeIntervals.timeGranularityType.


Time-bound follower counts are aggregated and not segmented by facet.


Permission Description
rw_organization_admin Manage organizations pages and retrieve reporting data. Restricted to organizations in which the authenticated member has the following role:

Retrieve Lifetime Follower Statistics

Calling organizationalEntityFollowerStatistics without specifying a timeIntervals parameter will retrieve lifetime follower statistics segmented by various demographic facets. Demographic results are rolled up as a total of both organic and paid followers in the organicFollowerCount field. Do not refer to the paidFollowerCount field for demographic statistics.

This endpoint no longer returns totalFollowerCounts. Use the networkSizes API under Organization Lookup to retrieve an organization's total follower count.

Demographic Facets

Follower statistics can be broken down by 7 demographic facets. The results for any individual facet are limited to the top 100 results. For example, if a page has followers in more than 100 countries/regions, only the top 100 countries/regions will be returned.

Demographic results are rolled up as a total of both organic and paid followers in the organicFollowerCount field. Do not refer to the paidFollowerCount field for demographic statistics.

Facet Description
followerCountsByAssociationType Counts by association type(employee) of the followers.
followerCountsByGeoCountry Counts by country/region of the followers. The array will contain one item per country/region.
followerCountsByFunction Counts by the function of the followers. The array will contain one item per function.
followerCountsByIndustry Counts by industry of the followers. The array will contain one item per industry.
followerCountsByGeo Counts by market area of the followers. The array will contain one item per market area.
followerCountsBySeniority Counts by the seniority of the followers. The array will contain one item per seniority
followerCountsByStaffCountRange Counts by staff count range of the current organizations of the followers. The array will contain one item per staff count range.
Facet Description
followerCountsByAssociationType Counts by association type(employee) of the followers.
followerCountsByCountry Counts by country/region of the followers. The array will contain one item per country/region.
followerCountsByFunction Counts by the function of the followers. The array will contain one item per function.
followerCountsByIndustry Counts by industry of the followers. The array will contain one item per industry.
followerCountsByRegion Counts by region of the followers. The array will contain one item per region.
followerCountsBySeniority Counts by the seniority of the followers. The array will contain one item per seniority
followerCountsByStaffCountRange Counts by staff count range of the current organizations of the followers. The array will contain one item per staff count range.

See Standardized Data for additional detail on these demographic facets.

Sample Request

GET{organization URN}
GET{organization URN}


Field Description Format Required
organizationalEntity The organization identifier. URN Must be of format urn:li:organization:{id}. Yes
timeIntervals Time restriction for the query. When omitted, segmented lifetime stats are returned as shown in response below. object No
timeIntervals.timeGranularityType Granularity of the statistics. Must be DAY, WEEK or MONTH string No
timeIntervals.timeRange The time range. object Yes
timeIntervals.timeRange.start Inclusive starting timestamp of when the query should begin (milliseconds since epoch). Queries from the longest allowed data retention time when set before that. long Yes
timeIntervals.timeRange.end Exclusive ending timestamp of when the query should end (milliseconds since epoch). Queries until current time when not set. long No

Sample Response

  "paging": {
    "count": 10,
    "start": 0
  "elements": [

For details on various segments and URNs returned in the response, such as seniority and function, see Standardized Data.

Retrieve Time-Bound Follower Statistics

Specifying the timeIntervals parameter will retrieve time-bound follower statistics. This endpoint will provide statistics from 12 months before the request date (UTC) till 2 days before the request date (UTC). For example, if you are calling this endpoint on December 31, 2021, the first available data point will be December 31, 2020 and the last data point available will be December 29, 2021.

Sample Request

To fetch daily organization follower statistics for the first week of March 2019:

Restli 1.0:


Restli 2.0:


Restli 1.0:


Restli 2.0:


Sample Response

  "paging": {
    "count": 10,
    "start": 0
  "elements": [
            "timeRange": {
                "start": 1536364800000, 
                "end": 1536451200000
            "followerGains": {
                "organicFollowerGain": 223, 
                "paidFollowerGain": 12
            "organizationalEntity": "urn:li:organization:2414183"
            "timeRange": {
                "start": 1536451200000, 
                "end": 1536537600000
            "followerGains": {
                "organicFollowerGain": 1, 
                "paidFollowerGain": 2
            "organizationalEntity": "urn:li:organization:2414183"
            "timeRange": {
                "start": 1536537600000, 
                "end": 1536624000000
            "followerGains": {
                "organicFollowerGain": 23, 
                "paidFollowerGain": 7
            "organizationalEntity": "urn:li:organization:2414183"
            "timeRange": {
                "start": 1536624000000, 
                "end": 1536710400000
            "followerGains": {
                "organicFollowerGain": 9, 
                "paidFollowerGain": 0
            "organizationalEntity": "urn:li:organization:2414183"
            "timeRange": {
                "start": 1536710400000, 
                "end": 1536796800000
            "followerGains": {
                "organicFollowerGain": 2, 
                "paidFollowerGain": 3
            "organizationalEntity": "urn:li:organization:2414183"