Manage Audience Restrictions


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202310 (Marketing October 2023) and earlier versions (excluding 202306 and 202307) have been sunset. Additionally, the unversioned APIs will be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

When serving Sponsored Content off network, LinkedIn offers a way for advertisers to opt out of serving certain sites and mobile applications. You can manage mobile application restrictions using mobile IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) categories and desktop and mobile web restrictions by domains.

Additionally you can also create an allowlist of domains and mobile applications and option to serve only on those sites and mobile applications.


Permission Description
rw_ads Manage and read an authenticated member's ad accounts. Restricted to ad accounts in which the authenticated member has one of the following ad account roles.
r_ads Read an authenticated member's ad accounts. Restricted to ad accounts in which the authenticated member has one of the following ad account roles.

See Account Access Controls for more information on ad account roles.

Manage IAB Categories

Request Body Fields

Field Name Type Description
offsitePreferences optional iabCategories The set of IAB categories that this campaign may be excluded from based on where the ad request is from. Mobile Apps, Mobile Web, and Desktop inventory are all classified into one or more of these categories.
offsitePreferences.iabCategories.exclude optional IABCategoryUrn[] Excluded list of IAB categories.
offsiteDeliveryEnabled boolean Allow this campaign access to be served on the LinkedIn Advertising Network

Create a Campaign with IAB Category Exclusions

To exclude a campaign from certain websites or applications, enter an IAB category URN in the exclusion list of offsitePreferences. Generate an IAB category URN using the iabCategory API, and append it to urn:li:iabCategory:.

As these categories don't change often, we recommend that you call the iabCategory discovery API, cache the data, and do occasional refreshes.

To add the URN to the excluded list in offsitePreferences, the offsiteDeliveryEnabled flag must be set to true.

   //Standard request to create a campaign. See campaign documentation for full samples.
   //Standard request to create a campaign. See campaign documentation for full samples.

Update IAB Category Exclusions

You can add IAB category exclusions through a partial update to an existing campaign.

To add the URN to the excluded list in offsitePreferences, the offsiteDeliveryEnabled flag must be set to true.

    "patch": {
        "$set": {
            "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,
            "offsitePreferences": {
                "iabCategories": {
                    "exclude": [
    "patch": {
        "$set": {
            "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,
            "offsitePreferences": {
                "iabCategories": {
                    "exclude": [

Delete IAB Exclusions

To remove any exclusions, clear the exclude object.

    "patch": {
        "$set": {
            "offsitePreferences": {
                "iabCategories": {
                    "exclude": []
    "patch": {
        "$set": {
            "offsitePreferences": {
                "iabCategories": {
                    "exclude": []

Disable Offsite Sponsored Content Delivery

If you don't want LinkedIn to serve your content off network, set the offsiteDeliveryEnabled flag on your campaign to false.

Viewing Domain Block/Allow Lists

By using domain block/allow lists, advertisers ensure that their ads are only served to their target audience and excluded/included from certain specific websites. Learn more about uploading a block/allow list within Campaign Manager.

Domain block/allow lists can be uploaded through the Campaign Manager UI as documented here or through the API as documented below in Creating Domain Publisher Lists.

Get Global Publisher Allow list file

The following example retrieves a URL that can be utilized to perform a basic GET request and retrieve a comprehensive list of domains and apps curated by LAN for displaying ads. This list can serve as a reference to reduce the size of allowlists and blocklists created by advertisers, as it contains the superset of publishers. Publishers outside of this list will not have ads displayed to them.

Request Header

Name Description Format Optional
Content-Type Content type for the request, must be: application/json String NO

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response
value Collection for the response data collection YES
downloadSignedUrl URL to download block list content URL YES

Sample Request


Sample Response

  "value": {
    "downloadSignedUrl": ""

Get a Campaign with Restricted Domains

The following example fetches a Sponsored Update campaign that has offsite serving enabled. The offsite audience excludes/includes some domains. For brevity, the campaign response has been limited to the relevant fields using projection.


A block list is named adPublisherFile in the API and is listed under publisherRestrictionFiles.

Request Body Fields

Field Name Type Description
offsitePreferences.publisherRestrictionFiles.exclude optional AdPublisherFileUrn[] Excluded list of domains
offsitePreferences.publisherRestrictionFiles.include optional AdPublisherFileUrn[] Included list of domains
offsiteDeliveryEnabled boolean Allow this campaign access to be served on the LinkedIn Advertising Network

Get Global Publisher Allow list file

The following example retrieves a URL that can be utilized to perform a basic GET request and retrieve a comprehensive list of domains and apps curated by LAN for displaying ads. You can select from a predefined list of categories to specify the type of publisher list you want to download: either CONNECTED_TELEVISION or WEB_AND_APP, with the default option set to WEB_AND_APP. This list can serve as a reference to reduce the size of allowlists and blocklists created by advertisers, as it contains the superset of publishers. Publishers outside of this list will not have ads displayed to them.

Request Body

Name Description Format Optional
publisherListType The global publisher list category specifies the type of publisher list to be downloaded. CONNECTED_TELEVISION / WEB_AND_APP. Default to WEB_AND_APP. ENUM YES

Request Header

Name Description Format Optional
Content-Type Content type for the request, must be: application/json String NO

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response
value Collection for the response data collection YES
downloadSignedUrl URL to download block list content URL YES

Sample Request

  "publisherListType": "WEB_AND_APP"

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "downloadSignedUrl": ""

Get a Campaign with Restricted Domains

The following example fetches a Sponsored Update campaign that has offsite serving enabled. The offsite audience excludes/includes some domains. For brevity, the campaign response has been limited to the relevant fields using projection.


A block list is named adPublisherFile in the API and is listed under publisherRestrictionFiles.

Request Body Fields

Field Name Type Description
offsitePreferences.publisherRestrictionFiles.exclude optional AdPublisherFileUrn[] Excluded list of domains
offsitePreferences.publisherRestrictionFiles.include optional AdPublisherFileUrn[] Included list of domains
offsiteDeliveryEnabled boolean Allow this campaign access to be served on the LinkedIn Advertising Network

Viewing Domain Block/Allow Lists

By using domain block lists, advertisers ensure that their ads are only served to their target audience and excluded from certain specific websites. Learn more about uploading a block list within Campaign Manager.

Domain block lists can be uploaded through the Campaign Manager UI as documented here or through the API as documented below in Creating Domain Block Lists.

Request Body Fields

Field Name Type Description
offsitePreferences.publisherRestrictionFiles.exclude optional AdPublisherFileUrn[] Excluded list of domains
offsiteDeliveryEnabled boolean Allow this campaign access to be served on the LinkedIn Advertising Network

Get a Campaign with Excluded Domains

The following example fetches a Sponsored Update campaign that has offsite serving enabled. The offsite audience excludes some domains. For brevity, the campaign response has been limited to the relevant fields using projection.


A block list is named adPublisherFile in the API and is listed under publisherRestrictionFiles.


Sample Response

    "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,
    "offsitePreferences": {
        "iabCategories": {
            "exclude": []
        "publisherRestrictionFiles": {
            "exclude": [
            "include": [

Get Publisher List File Details

To get more details on the adPublisherFile URN in the previous sample response, make an additional request.

Sample Request

Sample Response

    "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,
    "offsitePreferences": {
        "iabCategories": {
            "exclude": []
        "publisherRestrictionFiles": {
            "exclude": [

Get Block List File Details

To get more details on the adPublisherFile URN in the previous sample response, make an additional request.

Sample Request


Sample Response

    "fileName": "Test Block List",
    "changeAuditStamps": {
        "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
            "time": 1501619504000
        "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
            "time": 1501619504000
    "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
    "compressionFormat": "NONE",
    "id": 1603,
    "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
    "type": "BLOCKLIST"
    "status": "SUCCESS"

Sample Response

    "fileName": "Test Block List",
    "changeAuditStamps": {
        "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
            "time": 1501619504000
        "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
            "time": 1501619504000
    "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
    "compressionFormat": "NONE",
    "id": 1603,
    "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
    "status": "SUCCESS"

Sample Request

Alternatively when you fetch the campaign, you can resolve the adPublisherFile by decorating the URN.


Sample Response

    "offsitePreferences": {
        "publisherRestrictionFiles": {
            "exclude": [
            "exclude~": [
                    "fileName": "Test Block List",
                    "changeAuditStamps": {
                        "created": {
                            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                            "time": 1501619504000
                        "lastModified": {
                            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                            "time": 1501619504000
                    "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
                    "compressionFormat": "NONE",
                    "id": 1603,
                    "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
                    "status": "SUCCESS"
    "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,

Get All Block List File Details by Advertiser Account

You can fetch block lists by Ad Account.

Sample Request

Sample Response

    "offsitePreferences": {
        "publisherRestrictionFiles": {
            "exclude": [
            "exclude~": [
                    "fileName": "Test Block List",
                    "changeAuditStamps": {
                        "created": {
                            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                            "time": 1501619504000
                        "lastModified": {
                            "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                            "time": 1501619504000
                    "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
                    "compressionFormat": "NONE",
                    "id": 1603,
                    "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
                    "type": "BLOCKLIST",
                    "status": "SUCCESS"
    "offsiteDeliveryEnabled": true,

Get All Publisher List File Details by Advertiser Account

You can fetch publisher restriction lists by Ad Account.

Sample Request


Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "fileName": "Test Block List",
            "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
            "changeAuditStamps": {
                "created": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                    "time": 1501619504000
                "lastModified": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                    "time": 1501619504000
            "compressionFormat": "NONE",
            "id": 1603,
            "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
            "status": "SUCCESS"
    "paging": {
        "total": 1,
        "count": 10,
        "start": 0,
        "links": []

Download Content of Block List File

The contents of a block list file can be download through the following API.

Get Block List File Download URL

The following API returns a URL where the block list file content can be downloaded.

Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "fileName": "Test Block List",
            "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAMB_wDxAAUAAQAAAAAAAAydAAAAJDc4MzJkMDk4LThkNTMtNDkzZC05NmY0LTk0MDc5YzA3ODJhNQ.csv",
            "changeAuditStamps": {
                "created": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                    "time": 1501619504000
                "lastModified": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:unknown:0",
                    "time": 1501619504000
            "compressionFormat": "NONE",
            "id": 1603,
            "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:506106200",
            "type": "BLOCKLIST",
            "status": "SUCCESS"
    "paging": {
        "total": 1,
        "count": 10,
        "start": 0,
        "links": []

Download Content of Block/Allow List File

The contents of a Publisher list file can be download through the following API.

Get Publisher List File Download URL

The following API returns a URL where the block/allow list file content can be downloaded.


Request Body

Name Description Format Optional
publisherRestrictionId Id of the publisher restriction record Numeric NO

Request Header

Name Description Format Optional
Content-Type Content type for the request, must be: application/json String NO

Sample Request

  "publisherRestrictionId": {id}
  "publisherRestrictionId": {id}

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "downloadSignedUrl": ""

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response?
value Collection for the response data collection YES
downloadSignedUrl URL to download block list content URL YES

Download Content Of The Block List File

To download the content of the block list file, simply invoke downloadSignedUrl obtained from the previous GET call. The URL is fully qualified including part.

GET {downloadSignedUrl}

Creating Domain Block Lists

The Block List APIs provide higher control to advertisers by giving them the ability to define where their ads should not appear. Partners have the ability to disable serving their campaigns from certain apps and websites by creating block lists through the API.


Field Name Type Description
uploadSignUrl URL URL to upload block list csv file
data-binary file File details with location that has block list to upload
location string Location of the uploaded file
dataId media URN Media URN with details of uploaded file location
entity URN Sponsored Account URN of the Campaign
fileName string Description of the uploaded file
publisherRestrictionId numeric Id of the newly created adPublisherRestrictions record
downloadSignedUrl URL URL to download the content of uploaded block list file

Upload Domain Block Lists And Create Restriction

Uploading of a list with blocked domains and creating a campaign restriction to use it is a multi-step process.

Obtain a URL To Upload The Content

Use the following API to get the URL where you can upload your block list file.

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response?
value Collection for the response data collection YES
downloadSignedUrl URL to download publisher list content URL YES

Download Content Of The Publisher List File

To download the content of the publisher list file, simply invoke downloadSignedUrl obtained from the previous GET call. The URL is fully qualified including part.

GET {downloadSignedUrl}

Creating Domain Publisher Lists

The Publisher List APIs provide higher control to advertisers by giving them the ability to define where their ads should or should not appear. You have the ability to disable/enable serving their campaigns from certain apps and websites by creating block/allow lists through the API.


Field Name Type Description
uploadSignUrl URL URL to upload block list csv file
data-binary file File details with location that has block list to upload
location string Location of the uploaded file
dataId media URN Media URN with details of uploaded file location
entity URN Sponsored Account URN of the Campaign
fileName string Description of the uploaded file
publisherRestrictionId numeric Id of the newly created adPublisherRestrictions record
downloadSignedUrl URL URL to download the content of uploaded block list file
type ENUM Type of the uploaded file BLOCKLIST/ALLOWLIST

Upload Domain Block Lists And Create Restriction

Uploading of a list with blocked/allowed domains and creating a campaign restriction to use it is a multi-step process.

  1. Please review the CSV template and guidelines in this help center article to prepare a successful publisher list file.
  2. Obtain a URL to upload the content
  3. Upload the publisher list file
  4. Create the publisher restriction

Obtain a URL To Upload The Content

Use the following API to get the URL where you can upload your publisher restriction list file.


Sample Response

  "value": {
    "uploadSignUrl": ""

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response?
value Collection for the response data collection YES
uploadSignUrl URL to upload block list file URL YES

Upload The Block List File

Using the uploadSignUrl from the above request, you can upload the block list file stored in your local computer.

  • Find the full file path and name for your block list file.
  • Use the following API call to upload the block list csv file.
curl -i {uploadSignUrl} --data-binary @{csv file name}

Sample Request

curl -i "" -H 'Authorization: Bearer AQW8ysj2IxGNn_imaWMQazugeb4bhwvTqQ7m1jIeI2Sk1Iop8qz65Ns4-0QgMGuqM9zlV21tP3sbHkLLiiz3DEQoNbxK5XeXdQ69Nzd4aK7qwbNt99T49-bBSrGDFqCAeqXNYP2SXCYsMb1-xDumJCfh1UAtsg5qYwzwlVyIcPmz7yEJq9FQ0rDwHMFB3ls8rg7TXIZCPfxXqpE0abX4A3uPu2ozvMOLP3Dmz-TTOfdTlJv5CzLCyffrHdG57-Xq5Wjq_d_NMi2tM5AB_zOpiZkfKFBh0YiDaG7Ek7Ey9CR1LowFE9SekT74f_K6IhOrYvP1M009iRrs4yKf0OzTsVwFxZeS_A' --data-binary @BlockList.csv

Sample Response

From the API response, find the value of the location header. This value is used for the media URN while creating the publisher restrictions in the next step.


Create The Publisher Restriction

Now that the block list file has been uploaded, you can create an adPublisherRestriction to be used in an Ad Campaign.

Response Body Fields

Field Name Description Format Guaranteed in Response?
value Collection for the response data collection YES
uploadSignUrl URL to upload publisher list file URL YES

Upload The Publisher List File

Using the uploadSignUrl from the above request, you can upload the block/allow list file stored in your local computer.

  • Find the full file path and name for your block/allow list file.
  • Use the following API call to upload the block/allow list csv file.
curl -i {uploadSignUrl} --data-binary @{csv file name}

Sample Request

curl -i "" 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQW8ysj2IxGNn_imaWMQazugeb4bhwvTqQ7m1jIeI2Sk1Iop8qz65Ns4-0QgMGuqM9zlV21tP3sbHkLLiiz3DEQoNbxK5XeXdQ69Nzd4aK7qwbNt99T49-bBSrGDFqCAeqXNYP2SXCYsMb1-xDumJCfh1UAtsg5qYwzwlVyIcPmz7yEJq9FQ0rDwHMFB3ls8rg7TXIZCPfxXqpE0abX4A3uPu2ozvMOLP3Dmz-TTOfdTlJv5CzLCyffrHdG57-Xq5Wjq_d_NMi2tM5AB_zOpiZkfKFBh0YiDaG7Ek7Ey9CR1LowFE9SekT74f_K6IhOrYvP1M009iRrs4yKf0OzTsVwFxZeS_A' 
--data-binary @BlockList.csv

Sample Response

From the API response, find the value of the location header. This value is used for the media URN while creating the publisher restrictions in the next step.


Create The Publisher Restriction

Now that the Publisher list file has been uploaded, you can create an adPublisherRestriction to be used in an Ad Campaign.


Request Body Fields

Name Description Format Optional
dataId Media URN of the location URN NO
entity SponsoredAccount URN URN NO
fileName File name String NO

Request Header

Name Description Format Optional
Content-Type Content type for the request, must be: application/json String NO

Sample Request

Request Body Fields

Name Description Format Optional
dataId Media URN of the location URN NO
entity SponsoredAccount URN URN NO
fileName File name String NO

Request Header

Name Description Format Optional
Content-Type Content type for the request, must be: application/json String NO

Sample Request

  "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAUQAQCwAAQAAQAAAAAAAADPAAAAJDIxYTllNzllLTQ0Y2EtNDgdfgfd4i05NTcyLTEwYWVmYTgxNWY4Yg.csv",
  "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:518306371",
  "fileName": "Allowlist.csv",
  "type": "ALLOWLIST"
  "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAUQAQCwAAQAAQAAAAAAAADPAAAAJDIxYTllNzllLTQ0Y2EtNDgdfgfd4i05NTcyLTEwYWVmYTgxNWY4Yg.csv",
  "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:518306371",
  "fileName": "BlockList.csv"
  "dataId": "urn:li:media:/AAUQAQCwAAQAAQAAAAAAAADPAAAAJDIxYTllNzllLTQ0Y2EtNDgdfgfd4i05NTcyLTEwYWVmYTgxNWY4Yg.csv",
  "entity": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:518306371",
  "fileName": "BlockList.csv"

Sample Response

The ID of the newly created record can be parsed out of the location header.

location: /adPublisherRestrictions/28424