
This resource handles Sales Navigator Application Platform CRM Sync data validation export jobs. The resource defines actions for CRM Sync data validation export, and provides methods to get the latest status of an export job. The CRM Sync data validation export will help partners understand if the CRM records are expired in comparison to their LinkedIn profiles.



Allows creation of CRM data validation export jobs.

POST /crmDataValidationExportJobs?crmInstanceId={crmInstanceId}

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
crmInstanceId An URN containing the instance ID of the CRM you want the job to execute against and the CRM type in the format urn:li:crmInstance:(CRM_KEY,VALUE). The URN must be URL encoded in the query string. List of CRM Keys. CRM Instance URN false

Request Body


Sample Request

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'Content-Type=application/json' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0'  \
-d '{
  "exportStartAt" : 1539027618223

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /crmDataValidationExportJobs/148
X-RestLi-Id: 148
X-RestLi-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2018 21:19:13 GMT


Get the CRM data validation export based on the export job id.

GET /crmDataValidationExportJobs/{jobId}?crmInstanceId={crmInstanceId}

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
jobId The ID of the export job. Job IDs will expire 1 week after they are created long false
crmInstanceId An URN containing the instance ID of the CRM you want the job to execute against and the CRM type in the format urn:li:crmInstance:(CRM_KEY,VALUE). The URN must be URL encoded in the query string. List of CRM Keys. CRM Instance URN false

Response Body


Sample Request

curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0'

Sample Response

Sample response for export job in processing:

  "jobId": 148,
  "exportStartAt": 1538947151337,
  "exportEndAt": 1541539151570,
  "status": "PROCESSING"

Sample response for export job completed:

  "jobId": 148,
  "exportStartAt": 1538947151337,
  "exportEndAt": 1541539151570,
  "downloadUrls": [""],
  "nextExportStartAt": 1538947151337,
  "expireAt": 1541635625000,
  "status": "COMPLETED"



Contains response details of a crm data validation export. The job will be issued by customers in the LinkedIn Partner Program and their desire is to validate the data, such as if the job title is out-of-date, in their CRM system.

Field Description Type Optional
jobId The ID of the export job. Job IDs will expire 1 week after they are created long false
exportStartAt The time at which the export was started from (provided in initial request) Time false
exportEndAt The time for the end bound of the export (provided in initial request). Defaults to current time of the initial request Time true
status The status of the export. A list of possible statuses is in the Export Job Statuses table below CrmDataValidationExportJobStatus false
downloadUrls An array of download URLs for the requested export. Displayed when the status is COMPLETED. URLs will expire 1 hour after they are created. Download all URLs to retrieve the entirety of the export Url true
expireAt The time when the downloadUrls expire. Displayed when the status is COMPLETED Time true
nextExportStartAt The time at which the next export's exportStartAt should be set to ensure continuity across jobs Time true



Enumerate types of data validation export job status.

Symbol Description
PROCESSING The job is currently being processed
COMPLETED The job has completed
FAILED_DUE_TO_INTERNAL_ERROR The job has failed due to internal error


Number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. It must be a positive number.

Reference Type: long


A short lived download URL for a resource. This URL requires authentication and Authorization header is required to download the resource.

Reference Type: string

CRM Keys

A list of keys for the respective CRM systems, used in the first part of the CRM instance URN, and a description of the value to include in the value part of the URN.

CRM System Key Value
Microsoft Dynamics 365 DYNAMICS The UUID for the Dynamics instance.
Salesforce SFDC The Salesforce org ID for the Salesforce org.

Error Codes

Response Code Service Error Code Description
400 - Bad request, missing parameter
400 40002 Invalid export start date, export start is either greater than export end date or greater than the current time.
401 - Unauthorized (typically a result of token expiration)
403 - Application does not have enough access to complete the request. Application may not have the required scope to use the endpoint
403 40003 CRM instance and corresponding Sales Navigator contracts do not have CRM Sync enabled.
403 40004 CRM instance and corresponding Sales Navigator contracts do not have the Data Validation feature enabled.
403 40005 CRM instance cannot be accessed with the developer application used.
404 - CRM Instance ID not found
429 - Too many requests. The application is currently being throttled due to high call volume
500 - Unhandled service error