Company Profile fields

Field Name Description
id Default. The unique internal numeric company identifier.
name Default. The human readable name of the company.
universal-name The unique string identifier for a company.
email-domains Company email domains.
company-type Type of company. Valid values are:
  • C ("Public Company")
  • D ("Educational")
  • E ("Self Employed")
  • G ("Government Agency")
  • N ("Non Profit")
  • O ("Self Owned")
  • P ("Privately Held")
  • S ("Partnership")
Use this field instead of the deprecated type field.
ticker Company ticker identification for the stock exchange. Available only for public companies.
website-url Company web site address.
industries A collection containing a code and name pertaining to the company's industry. See Industry Codes for the list of industries available.
status Company status. Valid values are:
  • OPR ("Operating")
  • OPS ("Operating Subsidiary")
  • RRG ("Reorganizing")
  • OOB ("Out of Business")
  • ACQ ("Acquired")
logo-url URL for the company logo in JPG format.
square-logo-url URL for the company logo in a square format.
blog-rss-url URL for the company blog.
twitter-id Handle for the company Twitter feed.
employee-count-range Number range of employees at the company. Use this field instead of the deprecated size field. Valid values are:
  • A: 1
  • B : 2-10
  • C : 11-50
  • D : 51-200
  • E : 201-500
  • F : 501-1000
  • G : 1001-5000
  • H : 5001-10,000
  • I : 10,000+
specialties Company specialties. Retrieves information from string input.
locations Company location.
locations:(description) Description of company location.
locations:(is-headquarters) Valid values are true or false. A value of true matches the Company headquarters location.
locations:(is-active) Valid values are true or false. A value of true matches the active location.
locations:(address) Address of location.
locations:(address:(street1)) First line of street address of location.
locations:(address:(street2)) Second line of street address of location.
locations:(address:(city)) City for location.
locations:(address:(state)) State for location.
locations:(address:(postal-code)) Postal code for location. Matches companies within a specific postal code. Must be combined with the country-code parameter. Not supported for all countries/regions.
locations:(address:(country-code)) Country code for location. Matches companies with a location in a specific country.
locations:(address:(region-code)) Region code for location.
locations:(contact-info) Company contact information for the location.
locations:(contact-info:(phone1)) Company phone number for the location.
locations:(contact-info:(phone2)) Second company phone number for the location.
locations:(contact-info:(fax)) Company fax number for the location.
description Company description. Limit of 500 characters.
stock-exchange Stock exchange the company is in. Available only for public companies. Valid values are:
  • ASE (1, "American Stock Exchange")
  • NYS (2, "New York Stock Exchange")
  • NMS (3, "NASDAQ")
  • LSE (4, "London Stock Exchange")
  • FRA (5, "Frankfurt Stock Exchange")
  • GER (6, "XETRA Trading Platform")
  • PAR (7, "Euronext Paris")
founded-year Year listed for the company's founding.
end-year Year listed for when the company closed or was acquired by another.
num-followers The number of followers for the company's profile.