id |
A unique identifier for the patent entry. |
title |
The title of the patent. |
summary |
A short summary of the patent. |
number |
A string indicating the patent or application number. e.g. 7,720,722 |
status:(id) |
One of the following values: - 0 - Patent is an application
- 1 - Patent is granted
status:(name) |
A textual description of the patent's status, which is one of the following values: Application or Patent |
office:(name) |
An object representing the patent's issuing body. |
inventors:(id) |
A unique identifier for this member as an inventor in the list inventors. |
inventors:(name) |
The name of the inventor as displayed on the patent. |
inventors:(person) |
An optional field that returns the LinkedIn member object for this particular member. |
date |
A date object containing the 'day', 'month', and 'year' that the application was filed, or when the patent was granted. |
url |
A public URL to the patent details. |