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Get access to API with user context

This article describes how to create an application to get programmatic access to Microsoft Managed Desktop API on behalf of a user.

The API access requires OAuth2.0 authentication. For more information, see OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow.

To configure a service and get an access token:

  1. Create and register a Microsoft Entra application.
  2. Configure permissions for Microsoft Managed Desktop on your app.
  3. Get administrator consent.
  4. Get an access token using this application.
  5. Use the token to access Microsoft Managed Desktop API.

Create an app

To authenticate with the Microsoft identity platform endpoint, you must first register your app at the Azure app registration portal.

For a service that will call Microsoft Managed Desktop API under its own identity, you need to register your app for the Web platform and copy the following values:

  • The application ID assigned by the Azure app registration portal.
  • A client (application) secret, either a password or a public/private key pair (certificate).
  • A redirect URL for your service to receive token responses.

For steps on how to configure an app using the Azure app registration portal, see Register your app.

With the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow, your app authenticates directly at the Microsoft identity platform endpoint using the application ID assigned by Microsoft Entra ID and the client secret that you create using the portal.

Configure permissions

To configure delegated permissions for your app in the Azure app registrations portal:

  1. Under your application's API permissions page, choose Add a permission > APIs my organization uses > type Modern Workplace Customer APIs > select Modern Workplace Customer APIs.
  2. Select Delegated permissions > MWaaSDevice.Read, and then select Add permissions. First Configure permissions page
  3. To configure additional delegated permissions for your app in the Azure app registrations portal, under your application's API permissions page, choose Add a permission > choose Microsoft Graph.
  4. Select Delegated permissions > choose offline_access and openid, and then select Add permissions. Second Configure permissions page

Get an access token

In the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow, you use the application ID and client secret values that you saved when you registered your app to request an access token directly from the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint.

The first step to getting an access token for the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow is to redirect the user to the Microsoft identity platform /authorize endpoint. Microsoft Entra ID will sign the user in and request their consent for the permissions your app requests. In the authorization code grant flow, after consent is obtained, Microsoft Entra ID will return an authorization_code to your app that it can redeem at the Microsoft identity platform/token endpoint for an access token.

Authorization request

In the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow, you use the application ID and client secret values that you saved when you registered your app to request an access token directly from the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint.{tenantId}/oauth2/authorize
Parameter Condition Description
tenantId Required The tenant’s Microsoft Entra ID.
client_id Required The application ID assigned when you registered your app.
Scope Required Must be include: openid offline_access
grant_type Required Must be client_credential.
response_type Required Must be code.
redirect_uri Recommended The redirect_uri of your app, where authentication responses can be sent and received by your app. It must exactly match one of the redirect_uris you registered in the app registration portal.

Authorization response

If the user consents to the permissions your app requested, the response will contain the authorization code in the code parameter.

Token request

If the user consents to the permissions your app requested, the response will contain the authorization code in the code parameter.{tenantId}/oauth2/token
Parameter Condition Description
tenantId Required The tenant’s Microsoft Entra ID.
client_id Required The application ID assigned when you registered your app.
Scope Required Must be
client_secret Required The client secret that you generated for your app in the app registration portal.
grant_type Required Must be authorization_code.
Code Required The authorization code acquired as part of authorization request.

Token response

A successful JSON response looks like this:

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": "3599",
    "access_token": "access_token"
Parameter Description
access_token The requested access token. Your app can use this token in calls to the API.
token_type Must be bearer.
expires_in How long the access token is valid (in seconds).

Use the token to access Microsoft Managed Desktop API

  1. Choose the API you want to use.
  2. Set the authorization header in the http request you send to "Bearer {token}" (Bearer is the authorization scheme).