PostponeUpdatesToNonBusinessHours Method in Class CCM_SoftwareUpdatesManager

The PostoneUpdatesToNonBusinessHours WMI class method, in Configuration Manager, postpones a set of software updates to automatically install in non-business hours, which are specified by the user.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.


UInt32 PostponeUpdatesToNonBusinessHours(  
     [IN]  CCM_SoftwareUpdate CCMUpdates[],  
     [IN]  Boolean RebootImmediatelyAfterInstall  


Data type: CCM_SoftwareUpdate

Qualifiers: [in]

Array of software updates to be installed.

Data type: Boolean

Qualifiers: [in]

true if the computer restarts immediately after the installation; otherwise, false.

Return Values

A UInt32 data type that is 0 to indicate success or nonzero to indicate failure.

For information about handling returned errors, see About Configuration Manager Errors.



Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.

See Also

CCM_SoftwareUpdatesManager Client WMI Class