SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction server WMI class

The SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction WMI class is an SMS Provider server class in Configuration Manager. It represents a task sequence action that specifies the Sysprep options to use when capturing Windows settings from the reference computer.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.


Class SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction : SMS_TaskSequence_Action
      Boolean BuildStorageDriverList;
      SMS_TaskSequence_Condition Condition;
      Boolean ContinueOnError;
      String Description;
      Boolean Enabled;
      Boolean KeepActivation;
      String Name;
      boolean ShutdownPreparedOs;
      String SupportedEnvironment;
      UInt32 Timeout;


The SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction class doesn't define any methods.



Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [not_null, VariableName("OSDBuildStorageDriverList")]

Set true to build a mass-storage device driver list. The default value is false.

This property is deprecated. It only applies to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.


Data type: SMS_TaskSequence_Condition

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [AllowedLen("0-255")]

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [not_null, VariableName("OSDKeepActivation")]

Set true to keep the current product activation flag. Set false to reset it. The default value is false.

The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDKeepActivation.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [AllowedLen("1-100")]

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/write

Corresponds to the following setting in the task sequence editor: Shutdown the computer after running this action. The default value is false.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [Not_Null:ToInstance]

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.

The default value of this property for this task sequence action is FullOS.


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

For more information, see SMS_TaskSequence_Action server WMI class.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

[CommandLine("osdprepareos.exe /activate:%%OSDKeepActivation%% /bmsd:%%OSDBuildStorageDriverList%%"),

ActionCategory{"Images,7,5"},ActionUI{"AdminUI.TaskSequenceEditor.dll", "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.TaskSequenceEditor", "WindowsCaptureControl", "TaskSequenceOptionControl"}]

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager class and property qualifiers.


Runtime requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager server runtime requirements.

Development requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager server development requirements.