Customize your event

Considerations before starting your event

Customize before your event

To ensure the event runs smoothly, ensure that you customize and save customizations at least 30 minutes before the event start time.

Event capacity

  • 200 attendees per event
  • 16 attendees per room
  • Up to 16 hosts in a separate room, additional to the 200 attendees


Only 3 event hosts can broadcast at the same time.

Customize and save before event

Saving is not available once event is joined. Plan to customize and save your event at-least 30 minutes before the event start time.


Who should customize an event?

Anyone who has been invited as a Co-organizer can customize an event. Do this with caution, knowing that any edits you make will affect the Event or Template that event participants will join in.

Customization flow

  1. Open the Mesh app customize your Event or Template.

  2. Add content using the Editor.

  3. Configure content with the Control panel to be used in your live event.

  4. Save changes in the Event Customization window.

Customize your Template or Event

Customize a Template

To learn more about creating a Template, see how to Create Template.

  1. In the Microsoft Mesh app, select the Manage Templates button.

    Screenshot of Mesh app dashboard showing Manage event templates button highlighted.

  2. Find your Template draft.

    Screenshot of Mesh app Manage Templates window, draft events highlighted.

  3. Select the Customize event experience button to start customizing the Template.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing Customize template button highlighted.

Customize a single Event

  1. Open the Mesh app on your computer or use the link in the calendar invite.

  2. Look for the event in the Upcoming category and select it.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing an upcoming event highlighted to indicate that you should select it.

  3. In the Event details window, select Customize.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing Customize button for an event highlighted.

Customize Event experience

Now that you've created an event and joined the Event customization experience, it's time customize it in the Microsoft Mesh app and add any run-of-show tools you'd like to use.

At a high level, there are three major steps to customize your event or template:

  1. Add content using the Environment Editor (or playable content uploaded from Unity to a custom environment).

    Screenshot of Editor button highlighted in Mesh app.

  2. Select the object to edit its properties.

    Image object adjustment

  3. Save changes in the Save window. Or select Revert to discard recent changes and revert to the last saved state.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing save changes dialogue after customizing.

Add content with Editor

Use the Editor to place content in your environment and customize the content displayed in each object.

Screenshot of editor catalog

The three objects we'll cover here are Video, Image, and Screenshare.

Start adding content

Use the Editor to add content to your environment that can be controlled during your run-of-show.

  1. Once it loads, Select the Editor button.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing Editor open with no objects added.

  2. Select the + plus button to open the Catalog of objects that you can add. Select one to add it to the environment editor.

  3. Once you've added an object, you'll see it show up in the Objects window as shown below:

    Video player object shown in list of objects

    Note the Edit, Duplicate, and Delete buttons for the selected object.

  4. Now you can manipulate the object as you'd like by selecting it with your cursor, dragging it to another location, or using the edges of the objects to scale them as you see fit.

    Move object with avatar arm up

    To position your object - with the environment editor open:

    1. Select and drag your object to move it left, right, up, or down.
    2. Alt + Select and drag up or down to move the object toward and away from you.
    3. Shift + Select and drag up or down to make the object bigger or smaller.
    4. You can also use the rotation and scale handles on the object to rotate and scale your object. Just select the handle and drag to rotate or scale.

    Make sure you check out the position from different angles to verify you’ve placed it properly.


    while you are moving an object you’ll see a small line drawn from your object down to the floor. This can help you position your objects relative to landmarks in the scene such as the edge of a stage or a piece of furniture.

Video object requirements

For video objects, you must:

  • Use .MP4 file type only.

  • Use direct links to video files that are stored on SharePoint or HTTPS URLs. Links to video services like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. are not supported

    For example, use the Share or the Copy Link functionality in SharePoint to copy the link of the video you want to share and paste it in the Video player object URL field.

    Sharepoint link copied in sharepoint

Edit object controls

Once you've added an object, you can maneuver it around the spaces and select the it to edit the controls.

  1. Select an added object and adjust the controls to suit your preferences.

    Controls window showing for object that has been added to an environment

  2. Configure the controls for the object. For example, you can add the URL for your video:

    Add objects and update url


    The only video type that is supported is .MP4.

Prepare content with the Control panel

The Control panel shows all the controls available for your content during the event. Like having a technical booth for theatrical technicians, it's designed to give the organizer the ability to orchestrate a performance in real time.

You can try out the controls during the customization session, but make sure you set everything back to how you want your event to look when it starts and then save your changes (or if you're just practicing, you can use Revert changes in the save dialog).

Control panel Notes:

  • Playable content can be added from the environment editor or from a Unity project that has been uploaded to a custom environment. Reference the Choose your journey article to get started with adding custom content.

Save your content

Before you start your event, you must save the changes that you've made to your environment.

Select the Save button or Revert changes.

SAve changes button in the Event Customization window in the Microsoft Mesh application

Next steps