MPI Point to Point Functions

In this section

  • MPI_Bsend
    Sends data to a specified process in buffered mode.

  • MPI_Bsend_init
    Builds a handle for a buffered send.

  • MPI_Cancel
    Cancels a communication request.

  • MPI_Get_count
    Gets the number of "top level" elements.

  • MPI_Ibsend
    Initiates a buffered mode send operation and returns a handle to the communication operation.

  • MPI_Iprobe
    Nonblocking test for a message.

  • MPI_Improbe
    Probes for a message in a non-blocking way. Provides a mechanism to receive the specific message that was matched regardless of intervening probe/receive operations. The matched message is de-queued off the receive queue, giving the application an opportunity to decide how to receive the message based on the information returned by the non-blocking matching probe operation. The matched message is then received using the MPI_Mrecv or MPI_Imrecv function.

  • MPI_Imrecv
    Performs a non-blocking receive for a message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.

  • MPI_Irecv
    Initiates a receive operation and returns a handle to the requested communication operation.

  • MPI_Irsend
    Initiates a ready mode send operation and returns a request handle that represents the communication operation.

  • MPI_Isend
    Initiates a standard mode send operation and returns a handle to the requested communication operation.

  • MPI_Issend
    Initiates a synchronous mode send operation and returns a handle to the requested communication operation.

  • MPI_Mprobe
    Blocking probes for a message. Provides a mechanism to receive the specific message that was matched regardless of intervening probe/receive operations. The matched message is de-queued off the receive queue, giving the application an opportunity to decide how to receive the message based on the information returned by the matching probe operation. The matched message is then received using the MPI_Mrecv or MPI_Imrecv function.

  • MPI_Mrecv
    Performs a blocking receive for a message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.

  • MPI_Probe
    Blocking test for a message.

  • MPI_Recv
    Performs a receive operation and does not return until a matching message is received.

  • MPI_Recv_init
    Create a persistent request for a receive.

  • MPI_Request_free
    Frees a communication request object.

  • MPI_Request_get_status
    Nondestructive test for the completion of a request.

  • MPI_Rsend
    Performs a ready mode send operation and returns when the send buffer can be safely reused.

  • MPI_Rsend_init
    Creates a persistent request for a ready send.

  • MPI_Send
    Performs a standard mode send operation and returns when the send buffer can be safely reused.

  • MPI_Send_init
    Creates a persistent request for a standard send.

  • MPI_Sendrecv
    Sends and receives a message.

  • MPI_Sendrecv_replace
    Sends and receives using a single buffer.

  • MPI_Ssend
    Performs a synchronous mode send operation and returns when the send buffer can be safely reused.

  • MPI_Ssend_init
    Creates a persistent request for a synchronous send.

  • MPI_Start
    Initiates a communication with a persistent request handle.

  • MPI_Startall
    Starts a collection of persistent requests.

  • MPI_Test
    Tests an outstanding operation for completion.

  • MPI_Test_cancelled
    Tests to see if a request was cancelled.

  • MPI_Testall
    Tests for the completion of all previously initiated requests.

  • MPI_Testany
    Tests for completion of any previdously initiated requests.

  • MPI_Testsome
    Tests for completion of some of previously initiated requests.

  • MPI_Wait
    Completes an outstanding operation.

  • MPI_Waitall
    Completes multiple outstanding operations.

  • MPI_Waitany
    Completes one out of several outstanding operations.

  • MPI_Waitsome
    Waits for some of given MPI requests to complete.

  • MSMPI_Queuelock_acquire
    Acquires the Microsoft MPI library global lock.

  • MSMPI_Queuelock_release
    Releases the Microsoft MPI library global lock.

  • MSMPI_Waitsome_interruptible
    Waits until at least one of the operations that is associated with active handles in the list has finished, or the call is interrupted by another thread that calls MSMPI_Queuelock_acquire.