Calendars.ReadWrite |
delegated |
We ask for this permission when users connect their calendar and we use it to push leaves to users' personal calendars |
eab5463e-8168-40ee-887a-7ac78de1d266 |
Group.Read.All |
delegated |
We read public channel IDs and names when users set their weekly or daily notifications. Users can select a channel where they want to receive daily or weekly notifications from Vacation Tracker. When a user chooses their preferred channel, we store the channel ID. |
eab5463e-8168-40ee-887a-7ac78de1d266 |
MailboxSettings.Read |
delegated |
We ask for this permission only when users want Vacation Tracker to set their OOO auto-reply, and we use it to set the pre-approved auto-reply message for a specific user. |
eab5463e-8168-40ee-887a-7ac78de1d266 |
Team.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
We list the Microsoft Teams teams users joined during the signup to allow users to select a team that they want to sign up for Vacation Tracker. They can alternatively sign up with their whole organization. We store the Microsoft Teams team ID for a selected team only if the user signs up for Vacation Tracker as a single team (not as a whole organization). We use team IDs to connect a logged-in user with an existing account in Vacation Tracker. |
eab5463e-8168-40ee-887a-7ac78de1d266 |
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam |
delegated |
We ask for this permission only the users that install our app using Microsoft Transactable SaaS (by purchasing the app licenses from the Teams App Store directly). We use it to install the bot for these users automatically. |
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User.Read |
delegated |
We collect the basic user's info, including their name, ID, and tenant ID. We use this data to connect logged in users to their organization in Vacation Tracker. We store the user's name, ID, and tenant ID. We use this data to connect logged in users to their organization in Vacation Tracker. |
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User.Read.All |
delegated |
Our users can import all users from their Microsoft 365 organization or Microsoft Teams team. We use this permission to import only licensed users for a selected Microsoft Teams team or organization. We store basic info about imported users, including their name, email address, and user ID. |
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User.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
We allow users to import the other users from their organization or their Microsoft Teams team. We use this permission to list the available users and their email addresses in the import popup. When users select their coworkers to import to Vacation Tracker, we store basic info about these imported users, including their name, email address, and user ID. |
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email |
delegated |
When a user logs in using Microsoft AAD, we store their email address as a unique identifier. We store the user's email as a unique identifier. We do not use this email for communication, users enter their business email address that we use for communication during the signup. |
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offline_access |
delegated |
We use this permission to sign in or sign up users to Vacation Tracker. We do not collect any specific data with this permission. We use this permission to sign in or sign up users to Vacation Tracker. We do not store any specific data with this permission. |
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openid |
delegated |
We need this permission to enable log in with Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts. |
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profile |
delegated |
We collect the basic user's info, including their name, ID, and tenant ID. We use this data to connect logged in users to their organization in Vacation Tracker. We store the user's name, ID, and tenant ID. We use this data to connect logged in users to their organization in Vacation Tracker. |
eab5463e-8168-40ee-887a-7ac78de1d266 |