Business Assist SelfHelp API Core Concepts

The Business Assist SelfHelp API accepts a user query and, using machine learning algorithms, provides a solution and corresponding web search results related to that solution.


A solution is a text-based snippet that answers the query posted by the user.

Example of a solution to a user query

Web Search Results

Accompanying each solution is a set of related articles and pages as found through Bing, to provide extra context and further exploration.

Service Incidents

The ML model helps to detect whether the current query is associated with any ongoing service incidents published on O365 Service Health Dashboard. If an incident matches, it returns the incident information as well.

First time user of Business Assist SelfHelp API?

Find resources for getting the most out of the Business Assist SelfHelp APIs:

  • Overview: High-level introduction to Business Assist SelfHelp API.
  • How to use: Learn how to find solutions with the Business Assist SelfHelp API.
  • API reference: Familiarize yourself with the Business Assist SelfHelp API actions and data types.