Post-Authorization token endpoint

The token endpoint URL (RFC 6749#section-3.2) is normally obtained from the initial unauthenticated call described in the Bootstrap OAuth2 topic.

If the token endpoint URL cannot be determined before the end user has completed the sign-in process, an alternative token endpoint URL may be supplied.

This is done via a tk= URL parameter appended to the value of the Location header from the 302 Found response at the end of the sign-in flow.


The tk= parameter name is case-sensitive and its contents must be URL encoded.

For example, to return the following information:

Information Value
Redirection URI https://localhost
Authorization code (RFC 6749#section-4.1.2) "abcdefg"
Token endpoint URL

The Location header in the 302 Found response would be:

Location: https://localhost?code=abcdefg&

As a result, all calls to the token endpoint for obtaining access token via authentication-code exchange (or refresh flows using the refresh token) will hit this URL instead of the one initially returned as described in the Bootstrap OAuth2 topic.