Onboarding information

Provide the following information to Microsoft to enable end-to-end testing and release of Microsoft 365 for Mobile integration. After initially onboarding to the Microsoft Office 365 - Cloud Storage Partner Program, you are given access to the CSPP Yammer Group. You can work with the onboarding representatives there to provide your information to Microsoft.

Property Data Type Sample Value Description
Localized Provider Name String Contoso The name to display for this storage. provider
Icon Locations String[] https://contoso.com/images/logo16.png
The path to the provider hosted icons, one for each of the following dimensions:

● 16x16
● 32x32
● 48x48
● 64x64
● 80x80
● 96x96


● must be PNG
● icons must have at least a 1px white border to avoid bleed.
BootstrapperUri String https://contoso.com/wopibootstrapper The full path to the Bootstrapper endpoint. Must end in wopibootstrapper.
English Description String Free online storage. Store, access, and share thousands of documents. Used to show more information about the service.

Specify which part of the string shouldn't be localized. For example, your product or brand name if you include it in your description.
Client ID String s6BhdRkqt3 OAuth2 Client ID (for Office).
Client Secret String 7FjfpZBr1K3tDRbnfVdmIw98 OAuth2 Client Secret (for Office).

Don't provide this in email. This must be transferred securely.
Client App Name String Office Please set this as the app name.
RedirectUri String https://localhost The redirect URI that returns an authorization code. This URI is a known stop-URL and isn't loaded by Microsoft 365 for mobile.
ProviderId String TP_CONTOSO Supplied by Microsoft.
TrustedDomain String contoso.com, qa-contos.com Known domains for bootstrapper, authorization, and token issuance endpoints.
Scope (optional) String userprofile, editdocs Set of comma-delimited scopes that are requested during authentication with the storage provider.
SupportRefresh Bool True Denotes whether you'll issue a refresh token that can get a new access token.
SiteUrl String http://www.contoso.com Fully qualified address to your website.

Additional information required

  • Three test accounts on each environment you want to onboard.
    • If your service has a commercial versus consumer offering, provide three of each.
  • Website interface of each environment, if one exists.
  • Whether each environment can be reached outside your network (if it's Internet accessible so we can use it).
  • How many apps you have on each platform. (For example, on iOS, do you have a for enterprise app versus a for consumer app, or do you just have one?)
  • If you've already integrated with Office for the web, provide directions to access the Validator.

Security Questions

  • What's the expiry for access and refresh token for each environment?
  • Do you actually check the redirect URI sent during OAuth2 flow against the one registered above, such that the authorization code would only ever be sent to the redirect URI?