Microsoft 365 Community Conference
May 6, 2 PM - May 9, 12 AM
Skill up for the era of AI at the ultimate community-led Microsoft 365 event, May 6-8 in Las Vegas.
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This article applies to both Microsoft 365 Enterprise and Office 365 Enterprise.
Users can't use any Microsoft 365 services until their account has been assigned a license from a licensing plan. You can use PowerShell to quickly assign licenses to unlicensed accounts.
User accounts must first be assigned a location. Specifying a location is a required part of creating a new user account in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Accounts synchronized from your on-premises Active Directory Domain Services don't by default have a location specified. You can configure a location for these accounts from:
Learn how to assign licenses to user accounts with the Microsoft 365 admin center. For a list of additional resources, see Manage users and groups.
The following script uses Microsoft Graph Powershell. For more information, see Microsoft Graph PowerShell overview.
For information about how to use different methods to authenticate Connect-Graph
in an unattended script, see the article Authentication module cmdlets in Microsoft Graph PowerShell.
First, connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant.
Assigning and removing licenses for a user requires the User.ReadWrite.All permission scope or one of the other permissions listed in the 'Assign license' Microsoft Graph API reference page.
The Organization.Read.All permission scope is required to read the licenses available in the tenant.
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes User.ReadWrite.All, Organization.Read.All
Run the Get-MgSubscribedSku
command to view the available licensing plans and the number of available licenses in each plan in your organization. The number of available licenses in each plan is ActiveUnits - WarningUnits - ConsumedUnits. For more information about licensing plans, licenses, and services, see View licenses and services with PowerShell.
To find the unlicensed accounts in your organization, run this command.
Get-MgUser -Filter 'assignedLicenses/$count eq 0' -ConsistencyLevel eventual -CountVariable unlicensedUserCount -All
To find the unlicensed synchronized users in your organization, run this command.
Get-MgUser -Filter 'assignedLicenses/$count eq 0 and OnPremisesSyncEnabled eq true' -ConsistencyLevel eventual -CountVariable unlicensedUserCount -All -Select UserPrincipalName
You can only assign licenses to user accounts that have the UsageLocation property set to a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US for the United States, and FR for France. Some Microsoft 365 services aren't available in certain countries/regions. For more information, see About license restrictions.
To find accounts that don't have a UsageLocation value, run this command.
Get-MgUser -Select Id,DisplayName,Mail,UserPrincipalName,UsageLocation,UserType | where { $_.UsageLocation -eq $null -and $_.UserType -eq 'Member' }
To set the UsageLocation value on an account, run this command.
$userUPN="<user sign-in name (UPN)>"
$userLoc="<ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code>"
Update-MgUser -UserId $userUPN -UsageLocation $userLoc
For example:
Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US
If you use the Get-MgUser cmdlet without using the -All parameter, only the first 100 accounts are returned.
To assign a license to a user, use the following command in PowerShell.
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId $userUPN -AddLicenses @{SkuId = "<SkuId>"} -RemoveLicenses @()
This example assigns a license from the SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) licensing plan to the unlicensed user
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @{SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId} -RemoveLicenses @()
This example assigns SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) and EMSPREMIUM (ENTERPRISE MOBILITY + SECURITY E5) to the user
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
$e5EmsSku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'EMSPREMIUM'
$addLicenses = @(
@{SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId},
@{SkuId = $e5EmsSku.SkuId}
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses $addLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()
This example assigns SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) with the MICROSOFTBOOKINGS (Microsoft Bookings) and LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE (Customer Lockbox) services turned off:
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
$disabledPlans = $e5Sku.ServicePlans | `
Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
$addLicenses = @(
SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId
DisabledPlans = $disabledPlans
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses $addLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()
This example updates a user with SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) and turns off the Sway and Forms service plans while leaving the user's existing disabled plans in their current state:
$userLicense = Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId ""
$userDisabledPlans = $userLicense.ServicePlans | `
Where ProvisioningStatus -eq "Disabled" | `
Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
$newDisabledPlans = $e5Sku.ServicePlans | `
Where ServicePlanName -in ("SWAY", "FORMS_PLAN_E5") | `
Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
$disabledPlans = ($userDisabledPlans + $newDisabledPlans) | Select -Unique
$addLicenses = @(
SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId
DisabledPlans = $disabledPlans
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses $addLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()
This example updates a user with SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) and turns off the Sway and Forms service plans while leaving the user's existing disabled plans in all other subscriptions in their current state:
$userLicense = Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId
$userDisabledPlans = $userLicense.ServicePlans | Where-Object ProvisioningStatus -eq "Disabled" | Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
$newDisabledPlans = $e5Sku.ServicePlans | Where ServicePlanName -in ("SWAY", "FORMS_PLAN_E5") | Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
$disabledPlans = ($userDisabledPlans + $newDisabledPlans) | Select -Unique
$allPlans = $e5Sku.ServicePlans | Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlanId
foreach($disabledPlan in $disabledPlans)
foreach($allPlan in $allPlans)
if($disabledPlan -eq $allPlan)
$property = @{
Disabled = $disabledPlan
$result += New-Object psobject -Property $property
$finalDisabled = $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Disabled
$addLicenses = @(
SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId
DisabledPlans = $finalDisabled
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId -AddLicenses $addLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()
This example assigns with the same licensing plan that has been applied to
$mgUser = Get-MgUser -UserId "" -Property AssignedLicenses
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses $mgUser.AssignedLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()
This example upgrades a user from the SPE_E3 (Microsoft 365 E3) licensing plan to the SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) licensing plan:
$e3Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E3'
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5'
# Unassign E3
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @{} -RemoveLicenses @($e3Sku.SkuId)
# Assign E5
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @{SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId} -RemoveLicenses @()
You can verify the change in subscription for the user account with this command.
Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId ""
Manage Microsoft 365 with PowerShell
Manage Microsoft 365 with PowerShell
Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
Use the Microsoft Graph user: assignLicense and subscribedSku APIs
Microsoft 365 Community Conference
May 6, 2 PM - May 9, 12 AM
Skill up for the era of AI at the ultimate community-led Microsoft 365 event, May 6-8 in Las Vegas.
Learn moreTraining
Manage users, groups, and licenses in Microsoft Entra ID by using Windows PowerShell - Training
This module covers how to give access to the services in Microsoft 365, so that you can create user accounts and then assign licenses that provide access to the services.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate - Certifications
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.