Run your test on-demand


Test Base for Microsoft 365 will transition to end-of-life (EOL) on May 31, 2024. We're committed to working closely with each customer to provide support and guidance to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance, submit a support request.


Test Base now provides the option to kickoff a test with an on-demand approach.

Run as request under Manage packages

For an active package, you can access the run-on-request feature from the Manage packages page.

By specifying the OS update type and Windows product which are pre-defined with the package, you can kick off the test on demand which immediately gets scheduled for the current monthly churn of Windows updates.

You don’t need the test to be executed with its automatic cadence before you can use the feature. You can now decide which product and when to be tested.


Please be remind that only active packages will have Run on request button enabled. Make sure you Enable the package for future tests if you would like to opt-in the package for this feature.