Manage and test your custom copilot

Test your copilot's generative answers response

  1. Select Test your copilot at the bottom of the side navigation pane, if the chat window isn't already open.

  2. In the Test copilot panel, ask questions that trigger the generative answers capability.

The copilot's generative answers response works well with a large variety of question types. However, some types of questions might produce unhelpful responses, including:

  • Personal questions
  • Questions that require authenticated access to content
  • Questions with no source content at the URL you specified

Adjust moderation levels

Go to Content sources > Copilot content moderation, then select the moderation level you want for your copilot.

  • Higher moderation level: the copilot’s answers are more relevant.

  • Lower moderation level: the copilot generates more answers, but the answers may be irrelevant or undesirable.