Create or edit the sms_def.mof file
To enable the client computers to report BitLocker compliance details through the MBAM Configuration Manager reports, you have to create or edit the Sms_def.mof file.
If you use System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, you must create the file. Create the file on the top-tier site. The changes are replicated to the other sites in your infrastructure.
In Configuration Manager 2007, the file already exists, so you only have to edit it. Do not overwrite the existing file.
In the following sections, complete the instructions that correspond to the version of Configuration Manager that you're using.
To create the Sms_def.mof file for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
On the Configuration Manager Server, browse to the location where you have to create the Sms_def.mof file, for example, the Desktop.
Create a text file called Sms_def.mof and copy the following code to populate the file with the following Sms_def.mof MBAM classes:
//=================================================== // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring //=================================================== #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("BitLocker Encryption Details"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|BITLOCKER_DETAILS|1.0")] class Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails : SMS_Class_Template { [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] String DeviceId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String BitlockerPersistentVolumeId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String MbamPersistentVolumeId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] //UNKNOWN = 0, OS_Volume = 1, FIXED_VOLUME = 2, REMOVABLE_VOLUME = 3 SInt32 MbamVolumeType; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String DriveLetter; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] //VOLUME_NOT_COMPLIANT = 0, VOLUME_COMPLIANT = 1, NOT_APPLICABLE = 2 SInt32 Compliant; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ReasonsForNonCompliance[]; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 KeyProtectorTypes[]; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 EncryptionMethod; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ConversionStatus; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ProtectionStatus; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] Boolean IsAutoUnlockEnabled; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String NoncomplianceDetectedDate; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String EnforcePolicyDate; }; #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report(TRUE), SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"), SMS_Class_ID("MICROSOFT|MBAM_POLICY|1.0")] Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy: SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string KeyName; //General encryption requirements [SMS_Report(TRUE)] UInt32 OsDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 EncryptionMethod; //Required protectors properties [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 OsDriveProtector; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDrivePassphrase; //MBAM Agent fields //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3) [SMS_Report(TRUE)] Uint32 MBAMPolicyEnforced; [SMS_Report(TRUE)] string LastConsoleUser; //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user, //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine. [SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime UserExemptionDate; //Errors encountered by MBAM agent. [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 MBAMMachineError; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] string EncodedComputerName; }; //Read Win32_OperatingSystem.SKU WMI property in a new class - because SKU is not available before Vista. #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("CCM_OperatingSystemExtended", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("Operating System Ex"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|OPERATING_SYSTEM_EXT|1.0") ] class CCM_OperatingSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name; [SMS_Report (TRUE) ] uint32 SKU; }; //Read Win32_ComputerSystem.PCSystemType WMI property in a new class - because PCSystemType is not available before Vista. #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("CCM_ComputerSystemExtended", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("Computer System Ex"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|COMPUTER_SYSTEM_EXT|1.0") ] class CCM_ComputerSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name; [SMS_Report (TRUE) ] uint16 PCSystemType; }; //======================================================= // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring end //=======================================================
Import the Sms_def.mof file by doing the following:
Open the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager console and select the Administration tab.
On the Administration tab, select Client Settings.
Right-click Default Client Settings, and then select Properties.
In the Default Settings window, select Hardware Inventory.
Select Set Classes, and then select Import.
In the browser that opens, select your .mof file, and then select Open. The Import Summary window opens.
In the Import Summary window, ensure that the option to import both hardware inventory classes and class settings is selected, and then select Import.
In both the Hardware Inventory Classes window and the Default Settings window, select OK.
Enable the Win32_Tpm class as follows:
Open the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager console and select the Administration tab.
On the Administration tab, select Client Settings.
Right-click Default Client Settings, and then select Properties.
In the Default Settings window, select Hardware Inventory.
Select Set Classes.
In the main window, scroll down, and then select the TPM (Win32_Tpm) class.
Under TPM, ensure that the SpecVersion property is selected.
In both the Hardware Inventory Classes window and the Default Settings window, select OK.
To edit the sms_def.mof file for Configuration Manager 2007
On the Configuration Manager Server, browse to the location of the sms_def.mof file:
On a default installation, the installation location is %systemdrive% \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager.
Copy the following code, and then append it to Sms_def.mof file to add the following required MBAM classes to the file:
//=================================================== // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring //=================================================== #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("BitLocker Encryption Details"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|BITLOCKER_DETAILS|1.0")] class Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails : SMS_Class_Template { [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] String DeviceId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String BitlockerPersistentVolumeId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String MbamPersistentVolumeId; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] //UNKNOWN = 0, OS_Volume = 1, FIXED_VOLUME = 2, REMOVABLE_VOLUME = 3 SInt32 MbamVolumeType; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String DriveLetter; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] //VOLUME_NOT_COMPLIANT = 0, VOLUME_COMPLIANT = 1, NOT_APPLICABLE = 2 SInt32 Compliant; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ReasonsForNonCompliance[]; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 KeyProtectorTypes[]; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 EncryptionMethod; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ConversionStatus; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] SInt32 ProtectionStatus; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] Boolean IsAutoUnlockEnabled; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String NoncomplianceDetectedDate; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] String EnforcePolicyDate; }; #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report(TRUE), SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"), SMS_Class_ID("MICROSOFT|MBAM_POLICY|1.0"), SMS_Context_1("__ProviderArchitecture=32|uint32"), SMS_Context_2("__RequiredArchitecture=true|boolean")] Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy: SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string KeyName; //General encryption requirements [SMS_Report(TRUE)] UInt32 OsDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 EncryptionMethod; //Required protectors properties [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 OsDriveProtector; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDrivePassphrase; //MBAM Agent fields //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3) [SMS_Report(TRUE)] Uint32 MBAMPolicyEnforced; [SMS_Report(TRUE)] string LastConsoleUser; //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user, //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine. [SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime UserExemptionDate; //Errors encountered by MBAM agent. [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 MBAMMachineError; // Encoded Computer Name [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] string EncodedComputerName; }; #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy_64", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report(TRUE), SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"), SMS_Class_ID("MICROSOFT|MBAM_POLICY|1.0"), SMS_Context_1("__ProviderArchitecture=64|uint32"), SMS_Context_2("__RequiredArchitecture=true|boolean")] Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy_64: SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string KeyName; //General encryption requirements [SMS_Report(TRUE)] UInt32 OsDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveEncryption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 EncryptionMethod; //Required protectors properties [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 OsDriveProtector; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 FixedDataDrivePassphrase; //MBAM Agent fields //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3) [SMS_Report(TRUE)] Uint32 MBAMPolicyEnforced; [SMS_Report(TRUE)] string LastConsoleUser; //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user, //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine. [SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime UserExemptionDate; //Errors encountered by MBAM agent. [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] UInt32 MBAMMachineError; // Encoded Computer Name [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ] string EncodedComputerName; }; //Read Win32_OperatingSystem.SKU WMI property in a new class - because SKU is not available before Vista. #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("CCM_OperatingSystemExtended", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("Operating System Ex"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|OPERATING_SYSTEM_EXT|1.0") ] class CCM_OperatingSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name; [SMS_Report (TRUE) ] uint32 SKU; }; //Read Win32_ComputerSystem.PCSystemType WMI property in a new class - because PCSystemType is not available before Vista. #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS") #pragma deleteclass("CCM_ComputerSystemExtended", NOFAIL) [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("Computer System Ex"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|COMPUTER_SYSTEM_EXT|1.0") ] class CCM_ComputerSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name; [SMS_Report (TRUE) ] uint16 PCSystemType; }; //======================================================= // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring end //=======================================================
Modify the Win32_Tpm class as follows:
Set SMS_REPORT to TRUE in the class attributes.
Set SMS_REPORT to TRUE in the SpecVersion property attribute.
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