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Win32 C++ WebView2 API conventions

Supported platforms: Win32.


  • Experience using the Win32 API.

Async methods

Asynchronous methods in the WebView2 Win32 C++ API use a delegate interface to contact you for any of the following reasons:

  • The async method has completed.
  • The success or failure code.
  • The result of the asynchronous method.

The final parameter for all asynchronous methods is a pointer to a delegate interface, of which you provide an implementation.

The delegate interface has a single Invoke method that takes as a first parameter an HRESULT of the success or failure code. Additionally, there may be a second parameter that is the result of the method, if the method has a result.

For example, the ICoreWebView2::CapturePreview method takes an ICoreWebView2CapturePreviewCompletedHandler pointer as the final parameter. To send a CapturePreview method request, you provide an instance of the ICoreWebView2CapturePreviewCompletedHandler pointer that you implement.

The following code uses the Invoke method to implement an ICoreWebView2CapturePreviewCompletedHandler pointer:

HRESULT Invoke(HRESULT result)

You implement the Invoke method, and then CoreWebView2 requests your Invoke method when CapturePreview request completes. The single parameter is the HRESULT describing the success or failure code of the CapturePreview request.

Alternately, for ICoreWebView2::ExecuteScript, you provide an instance that has an Invoke method that provides you with the success or failure code of the ExecuteScript request. Also provide the second parameter, which is the JSON of the result of running the script.

You can manually implement the CompleteHandler delegate interfaces, or you can use the Callback function (WRL). The Callback function (WRL) is used throughout the following WebView2 code:

void ScriptComponent::InjectScript()
    TextInputDialog dialog(
        L"Inject Script",
        L"Enter script code:",
        L"Enter the JavaScript code to run in the WebView2 control.",
    if (dialog.confirmed)
                [](HRESULT error, PCWSTR result) -> HRESULT
            if (error != S_OK) {
                ShowFailure(error, L"ExecuteScript failed");
            MessageBox(nullptr, result, L"ExecuteScript Result", MB_OK);
            return S_OK;


Events in the WebView2 Win32 C++ API use the add_EventName and remove_EventName method pair to subscribe and unsubscribe from events. The add_EventName method takes an event handler delegate interface and gives back an EventRegistrationToken token as an output parameter. The remove_EventName method takes an EventRegistrationToken token and unsubscribes the corresponding event subscription.

Event handler delegate interfaces

Event handler delegate interfaces work similarly to the async method completed handler delegate interfaces. You implement the event handler delegate interface and CoreWebView2 sends a callback whenever the event runs.

Every event handler delegate interface has a single Invoke method that has a sender parameter followed by an event args parameter. The sender is the instance of the object on which you subscribed for events. The event args parameter is an interface that contains information about the currently firing event.

For instance, the NavigationCompleted event on ICoreWebView2 has the ICoreWebView2::add_NavigationCompleted and ICoreWebView2::remove_NavigationCompleted method pair. When you send a request, you provide an instance of ICoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventHandler in which you previously implemented Invoke method.

When the NavigationCompleted event runs, your Invoke method is requested:

  • The first parameter runs the NavigationCompleted event.
  • The second parameter contains information about whether the navigation completed successfully, and so on.

Similar to the async method completed handler delegate interface, use one of the following actions to set it up:

// Register a handler for the NavigationCompleted event.
// Check whether the navigation succeeded, and if not, do something.
// Also update the Cancel buttons.
        [this](ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventArgs* args)
            -> HRESULT {
            BOOL success;
            if (!success)
                COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_ERROR_STATUS webErrorStatus;
                if (webErrorStatus == COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_ERROR_STATUS_DISCONNECTED)
                    // Do something here if you want to handle a specific error case.
                    // In most cases it is not necessary, because the WebView2 control
                    // displays an error page automatically.
            m_toolbar->SetItemEnabled(Toolbar::Item_CancelButton, false);
            m_toolbar->SetItemEnabled(Toolbar::Item_ReloadButton, true);
            return S_OK;


String output parameters are LPWSTR null-terminated strings. The requester provides the string using CoTaskMemAlloc. Ownership is transferred to the requester and it is up to the requester to free the memory using CoTaskMemFree.

String input parameters are LPCWSTR null-terminated strings. The requester ensures the string is valid for the duration of the synchronous function request. If the receiver must store the value to some point after the function request completes, the receiver must give an associated copy of the string value.

URI and JSON parsing

Various methods provide or accept URIs and JSON as strings. Use your preferred library for parsing and generating the strings.

If WinRT is available for your app, you can use the RuntimeClass_Windows_Data_Json_JsonObject and IJsonObjectStatics methods to parse or produce JSON strings, or RuntimeClass_Windows_Foundation_Uri and IUriRuntimeClassFactory methods to parse and produce URIs. Both of these approaches work in Win32 apps.

If you use IUri and CreateUri to parse URIs, you may want to use the following URI creation flags, to have CreateUri behavior more closely match the URI parsing in the WebView2 control:


See also