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interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalUpdateRuntimeCompletedHandler


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.


This an experimental API that is shipped with our prerelease SDK. See WebView2 release notes.

interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalUpdateRuntimeCompletedHandler
  : public IUnknown

The caller implements this interface to receive the UpdateRuntime result.


Members Descriptions
Invoke Provides the result for the UpdateRuntime operation.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.865



Provides the result for the UpdateRuntime operation.

public HRESULT Invoke(HRESULT errorCode, ICoreWebView2ExperimentalUpdateRuntimeResult * result)

errorCode will be S_OK if the update operation can be performed normally, regardless of whether we could update the Edge WebView2 Runtime. If an unexpected error interrupts the update operation, error code of that unexpected error would be set as errorCode. When update operation can be performed normally, but update resulted in failure, like download failed, the error code would be presented as ExtendedError property of ICoreWebView2ExperimentalUpdateRuntimeResult.