Get profile templates

Gets a list of profile templates for which the specified user can enroll. This method returns a limited view of the profile template. The profile template data returned should be sufficient to enable the requesting user to decide which profile template, if any, they need to enroll for. If no workflow and permission are specified, all profile templates that are visible to the user are returned.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
GET /CertificateManagement/api/v1.0/profiletemplates?[targetuser]

URL parameters

Parameter Description
targetuser Optional. Specifies the target user to return profile templates for. If not specified, the identity of the current user is used.

Note: Currently, only the current user is supported.

Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Request body



This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
204 No content
500 Internal Error

Response headers

For common response headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Response body

On success, returns a list of ProfileTemplateLimitedView objects with the following properties:

Property Type Description
Name string The display name of the profile template.
Description string The description for the profile template.
Uuid Guid The identifier for the profile template.
IsSmartcardProfileTemplate bool Indicates whether the template is a smart card profile template.
IsVirtualSmartcardProfileTemplate bool Indicates whether the profile template requires a virtual smart card.


This section provides an example to get the list of profile templates for the specified user.

Example: Request

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/profiletemplates HTTP/1.1

Example: Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "Name":"FIM CM Sample Profile Template",
        "Description":"Description of the template goes here",
        "Name":"FIM CM Sample Smart Card Logon Profile Template",
        "Description":"Description of the template goes here",