Set up Auto attendant and Call queue authorized users


Some of these features are in limited public preview. For more information, contact your Microsoft customer success manager. Information in this article is subject to change.

This article is for IT Pros and administrators who want to delegate Auto attendant and Call queue change capabilities to users in their organization. This article describes the necessary steps to create an Authorized user.

Before reading this article, be sure you've read Plan for authorized users, which describes licensing requirements and prerequisites for Auto attendant and Call queue authorized users.

An authorized user is a Teams user who has been authorized by a Teams admin center administrator to make configuration changes to Auto attendants and Call queues. The user doesn't need to have access to the Teams admin center portal nor be assigned any administrative roles.

With the Queues app in Microsoft Teams, you can delegate even more capabilities to your authorized users, such as configuring business, after hours, and holiday call routing and they can view real-time and historical metrics for Auto attendants and Call queues. To enable access to Queues, you must assign each user a Teams Premium and Teams Phone license. For more information, see Set up Queues app for authorized users.

The authorized user can access these change configuration items through their Teams desktop client or Queues. For end user documentation, see Manage your Call queue and Auto attendant greetings in Microsoft Teams.

For information on creating a Call queue or Auto attendant, see Create a Call queue in Microsoft Teams and Set up a Microsoft Teams Auto attendant.

Steps for setting up authorized users

To create an authorized user, you must complete the following steps:

Step 1: Assign licenses and enable users for voice


In order for your users to use the Microsoft Teams Queues app, they need to have a Teams Phone and Teams Premium license assigned to them. For a complete list of authorized user settings that require a Teams Premium license, see Manage Teams voice applications policies.

To assign a Teams Phone and Teams Premium license, do the following steps:

  1. Use the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Billing > Licenses.
  2. Select your Teams Phone license. On the product details page, select Assign licenses and assign the license to your users.
  3. Select Assign once you're finished.
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for a Teams Premium license.

Step 2: Assign phone numbers to your users

If you haven't already done so, assign user phone numbers to your users. For more information, see Manage phone numbers for users.

Step 3: Create a Teams voice applications policy

After assigning phone numbers to your users, you need to create a Teams voice applications policy that turns on the change functionality that the user needs and to assign that policy to the user.

Step 4: Assign the voice applications policy to the user

Once you create your Teams voice applications policy, you need to individually assign it to users. To do this, you can use the Teams admin center or Grant-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy cmdlet.

To learn about the different ways that you can assign policies to users, see Assign policies to your users in Teams.

Step 5: Create an Auto attendant or Call queue and assign licensed resource accounts

After assigning the voice applications policy to your users, if you haven’t already done so, you need to create Auto attendants or Call queues that the user will be authorized to manage.

For more information, see Set up Auto attendants and Set up Call queues.

Step 6: Assign authorized users to the relevant Auto attendant or Call queue

The next step is assigning the user as an Authorized user to at least one Auto attendant or Call queue. There’s a maximum of 15 authorized users per each Auto attendant or Call queue.

Step 7: Set up Queues app for Authorized users (optional)

With Queues in Microsoft Teams, authorized users can access more configuration features and reports for Auto attendants and Call queues, such as call flow configuration for business hours, after hours, holidays, and real-time call queue and agent metrics. Queues in Microsoft Teams is available to authorized users with a Teams Premium and Teams Phone license.

For a complete list of features and licensing required for each, see Manage voice applications policies.

Enable Queues in your organization

Queues is enabled by default for all Teams users in your organization who have been assigned a Teams Premium and Teams Phone license and who have been voice enabled. These users must be Authorized users. For more information, see Steps for setting up Authorized users.

You can turn off or turn on the Queues app at the organization level on the Manage apps page in the Teams admin center:

  1. In the Teams admin center, go to Teams apps > Manage apps.
  2. In the list of apps, search for Queues, select the app, and then switch the Status toggle to Allowed.

Enable Queues for specific users in your organization

To allow or block specific users in your organization from using Queues, make sure Queues is turned on for your organization on the Manage apps page. Then, create a custom policy for app permissions and assign it to those users. To learn more, see Manage app permission policies in Teams.

Pin Queues to Teams

App setup policies let you customize Teams to highlight the apps that are most important for users in your organization. The apps you set in a policy are pinned to the app bar—the bar on the side of the Teams desktop client and at the bottom of the Teams mobile clients—where users can quickly and easily access them.

Authorized users with a Teams Phone and Teams Premium license have access to Queues and can pin the app on their Teams client. If the app isn't pinned by you via an app setup policy, Authorized users can still view Queues in the app bar flyout.

To automatically pin the Queues app in the Teams client for your users, do the following:

  1. In the Teams admin center, go to Teams apps > Setup policies.
  2. Select an existing policy or select Add to create a new policy.
  3. Turn on User pinning so that your users can choose to pin the app for convenient access.
  4. Under Pinned apps, select Add apps.
  5. Search for Queues and select Add.
  6. Select Add and then Save.

Authorized user examples

User 1 needs to be able to change Auto attendant business hours greetings and Call queue timeout shared voicemail greetings for Auto attendant 1 and Call queue 1.

User 2 needs to be able to change Auto attendant after hours greetings for Auto attendant 1.

  1. Create a Teams voice applications policy that enables the Auto attendant Business Hours Greeting and the Call queue Timeout shared voicemail greeting.
  2. Assign this policy to User 1.
  3. Create another Teams voice applications policy that enables the Auto attendant After Hours Greeting.
  4. Assign this policy to User 2.
  5. Assign both User 1 and User 2 as Authorized users for Auto attendant 1.
  6. Assign User 1 as an Authorized User for Call queue 1.

Both User 1 and User 2 are now fully authorized users and have new configuration options available to them in their Teams desktop client once they sign out and sign back in.