FAQ for Teams Toolkit

Following are the FAQs for Provision cloud resources using Teams Toolkit:

How to troubleshoot?

If you get errors with Teams Toolkit in Visual Studio Code, you can select Get Help on the error notification to go to the related document. If you're using TeamsFx CLI, there'll be a hyperlink at the end of error message that points to the help doc. You can also view provision help doc directly.

How can I switch to another Azure subscription while provisioning?
  1. Switch subscription in current account or sign out and select a new subscription.
  2. If you've already provisioned current environment, you need to create a new environment and perform provision because ARM doesn't support moving resources.
  3. If you didn't provision current environment, you can trigger provision directly.

How can I change resource group while provisioning?

Before provision, the tool asks you if you want to create a new resource group or use an existing one. You can provide a new resource group name or choose an existing one in this step.

How can I provision SharePoint-based app?

You can follow provision SharePoint-based app.


Currently, the building Teams app with SharePoint framework with Teams Toolkit doesn't have direct integration with Azure, the contents in the doc doesn't apply to SPFx-based apps.

How can I deploy the code in Microsoft Entra ID using Teams Toolkit, and use Graph API to get the app user's profile photo?

Shared references to deploy the code using toolkit:

You can call Graph API to get the app user's profile photo.