Default Minecraft Entity Listings
An overview of the Entities and Damage Sources that can be used in Addons for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
To learn more about how Entities function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Entity JSON Documentation
Entities List
Listed below are the available Entities for use in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and their respective ID value.
Identifier | Full ID | Short ID |
agent | 312 | 56 |
allay | 390 | 134 |
area_effect_cloud | 95 | 95 |
armadillo | 5006 | 142 |
armor_stand | 317 | 61 |
arrow | 12582992 | 80 |
axolotl | 4994 | 130 |
balloon | 107 | 107 |
bat | 33043 | 19 |
bee | 378 | 122 |
blaze | 2859 | 43 |
boat | 90 | 90 |
bogged | 1117072 | 144 |
breeze | 2956 | 140 |
breeze_wind_charge_projectile | 4194445 | 141 |
camel | 5002 | 138 |
cat | 21323 | 75 |
cave_spider | 265000 | 40 |
chalkboard | 78 | 78 |
chest_boat | 218 | 218 |
chest_minecart | 524386 | 98 |
chicken | 4874 | 10 |
cod | 9072 | 112 |
command_block_minecart | 524388 | 100 |
cow | 4875 | 11 |
creeper | 2849 | 33 |
dolphin | 8991 | 31 |
donkey | 2118424 | 24 |
dragon_fireball | 4194383 | 79 |
drowned | 199534 | 110 |
egg | 4194386 | 82 |
elder_guardian | 2866 | 50 |
elder_guardian_ghost | 2936 | 120 |
ender_crystal | 71 | 71 |
ender_dragon | 2869 | 53 |
ender_pearl | 4194391 | 87 |
enderman | 2854 | 38 |
endermite | 265015 | 55 |
evocation_fang | 4194407 | 103 |
evocation_illager | 2920 | 104 |
eye_of_ender_signal | 70 | 70 |
falling_block | 66 | 66 |
fireball | 4194389 | 85 |
fireworks_rocket | 72 | 72 |
fishing_hook | 77 | 77 |
fox | 4985 | 121 |
frog | 4996 | 132 |
ghast | 2857 | 41 |
glow_squid | 9089 | 129 |
goat | 4992 | 128 |
guardian | 2865 | 49 |
hoglin | 4988 | 124 |
hopper_minecart | 524384 | 96 |
horse | 2118423 | 23 |
husk | 199471 | 47 |
ice_bomb | 4194410 | 106 |
iron_golem | 788 | 20 |
item | 64 | 64 |
leash_knot | 88 | 88 |
lightning_bolt | 93 | 93 |
lingering_potion | 4194405 | 101 |
llama | 4893 | 29 |
llama_spit | 4194406 | 102 |
magma_cube | 2858 | 42 |
minecart | 524372 | 84 |
mooshroom | 4880 | 16 |
moving_block | 67 | 67 |
mule | 2118425 | 25 |
npc | 307 | 51 |
ocelot | 21270 | 22 |
ominous_item_spawner | 145 | 145 |
painting | 83 | 83 |
panda | 4977 | 113 |
parrot | 21278 | 30 |
phantom | 68410 | 58 |
pig | 4876 | 12 |
piglin | 379 | 123 |
piglin_brute | 383 | 127 |
pillager | 2930 | 114 |
player | 319 | 63 |
polar_bear | 4892 | 28 |
pufferfish | 9068 | 108 |
rabbit | 4882 | 18 |
ravager | 2875 | 59 |
salmon | 9069 | 109 |
sheep | 4877 | 13 |
shield | 117 | 117 |
shulker | 2870 | 54 |
shulker_bullet | 4194380 | 76 |
silverfish | 264999 | 39 |
skeleton | 1116962 | 34 |
skeleton_horse | 2186010 | 26 |
slime | 2853 | 37 |
small_fireball | 4194398 | 94 |
sniffer | 5003 | 139 |
snow_golem | 789 | 21 |
snowball | 4194385 | 81 |
spider | 264995 | 35 |
splash_potion | 4194390 | 86 |
squid | 8977 | 17 |
stray | 1116974 | 46 |
strider | 4989 | 125 |
tadpole | 9093 | 133 |
thrown_trident | 12582985 | 73 |
tnt | 65 | 65 |
tnt_minecart | 524385 | 97 |
trader_llama | 5021 | 157 |
tripod_camera | 318 | 62 |
tropicalfish | 9071 | 111 |
turtle | 4938 | 74 |
vex | 2921 | 105 |
villager | 16777999 | 15 |
villager_v2 | 16778099 | 115 |
vindicator | 2873 | 57 |
wandering_trader | 886 | 118 |
warden | 2947 | 131 |
wind_charge_projectile | 4194447 | 143 |
witch | 2861 | 45 |
wither | 68404 | 52 |
wither_skeleton | 1116976 | 48 |
wither_skull | 4194393 | 89 |
wither_skull_dangerous | 4194395 | 91 |
wolf | 21262 | 14 |
xp_bottle | 4194372 | 68 |
xp_orb | 69 | 69 |
zoglin | 68478 | 126 |
zombie | 199456 | 32 |
zombie_horse | 2186011 | 27 |
zombie_pigman | 68388 | 36 |
zombie_villager | 199468 | 44 |
zombie_villager_v2 | 199540 | 116 |
Entity Damage Source
Listed below are the available Damage Sources that can be used when working with Entity components and filters.
Damage Source | ID |
all | |
anvil | |
block_explosion | |
campfire | |
charging | |
contact | |
drowning | |
entity_attack | |
entity_explosion | |
fall | |
falling_block | |
fire | |
fire_tick | |
fireworks | |
fly_into_wall | |
freezing | |
lava | |
lightning | |
mace_smash | |
magic | |
magma | |
none | |
override | |
piston | |
projectile | |
self_destruct | |
ram_attack | |
sonic_boom | |
soul_campfire | |
stalactite | |
stalagmite | |
starve | |
suffocation | |
temperature | |
thorns | |
void | |
wither |